Friday, January 31, 2025

Wars of the Roses Revisted

I recently received a copy of the Hail Caesar WotR supplement. Looks like it has all (or most) of the engagements with nice orders of battle. Also, picked up a box each of Perry WotR Infantry and European Mercenaries to add a few more units to the existing collection.
Haven't played any WotR games for some time, and the last few times were with Lion Rampant. Plan to have units with 12 and 6 figures - which works for Lion Rampant and for small units in Hail Caesar. In fact, the supplement has stats for small units. Anyway, figured I hadn't taken out the WotR figures in a long time and wanted to see if I could paint the new figures up in different livery colors. May do some up in red and black, which were used by a few lords, including the Earl of Salisbury and Duke of Buckingham. The Earls of Northumberland used the same colors, but on reversed fields, I think.
I should also mention that I'm holding off on playtesting my Imjin War Siege of Ulsan game for a little bit. Still have a lot of time before the convention in May, and didn't want to playtest it too early and lose interest in it.


  1. A splendid collection Dean looking forward to seeing you rattle off some more 👍

  2. You must !be excited Another fine group of units for a new era. Great job!thanks

    1. Thanks a lot, Joe. Yes, nice to already have a good base to add to. Kindest regards, Dean

  3. Wow - that is an impressive array and no mistake, Dean!

    1. Thanks you very much, Keith! It's nice to see them out again after being stored away for so long. Kindest regards, Dean

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you so much, Michal. Kindest regards, Dean

  5. That's a great looking collection Dean. Look forward to seeing your additions roll off the painting desk.

    1. Thanks, Richard. Thinking of doing the Mercenary pikes as Burgundians. Like the blue and white with red crosses. Warmest regards, Dean

  6. Lovely collection! How many of us have great collections sitting in storage...and then we are inspired to get them out again!

    1. Thank you so much, John! Kind regards, Dean

  7. That's a fine collection; just needs some play time and some new units added! :-)

  8. Excellent collection.I think the mercenary box is my favourite Perry kit!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks, Iain. Yes, it has a lot of great optional parts - including the heads of polearms to create marching poses with them. Best regards, Dean
