Friday, January 3, 2025

Perry Napoleonic Allied (Russian and Prussian) Cavalry - WIP

Painted the horses and facing colors. Dry-brushed various shades of brown over a black undercoat for the horses. I normally paint horses and riders separately, but glued them together so I wouldn't be confused with which ones went with which since there were several different units. 

Worked on the Russian Uhlans a bit more as they have fancier uniforms.
These are supposed to be the Tchougoulev Regiment - mainly because I liked the color combinations of their uniform and czapka.
Still haven't received my Perry order of Prussian infantry yet. Hopefully it'll show up soon. Hope you are all having a nice start to the new year. 


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Michal! Purely table top standards. Kind regards, Dean

  2. They are coming along nicely Dean.

    1. Thanks, Richard. Yes, wanted to get the horses out of the way. Now it'll be just like painting figures. Warmest regards, Dean

  3. You have achieved a nice result with the dry brushing of the horses Dean!

    1. Thanks, Keith! It's a method I haven't used in a long time. I usually spray paint the horses separately and then give them a wash (Minwax or similar), but it's a decent alternative. Warm regards, Dean

  4. Splendid looking Allied cavalry!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks, Iain! Getting along. Best regards, Dean

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you very much, Joe! I think I'm able to do the various units since I only have 8 figs each - 12 would wear me out! Kindest regards, Dean

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks a lot, Peter. I think black undercoating is good for this method. Warmest regards, Dean
