Friday, January 24, 2025

Scaling Ladders for the Siege of Ulsan

Of course, these could be used other scenarios too. Picked these 3D printed resin scaling ladders up from ebay. They're very nicely sized, however, the ladder steps are too close together to put figures onto them directly.

They look better than the balsa wood ones I scratch-builed earlier. Wanted to up the look of my game for the convention after seeing some of the other ones folks will be hosting.
The ladders on the carts are moveable, and I used brass rods for axels to allow the wheels to spin.
Still need to playtest the game, but these ladders should be it for actual terrain and figures.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you very much again, Michal! Best regards, Dean

  2. They look excellent Dean....being 3D prints, are they quite fragile?

    1. Thanks Keith. So far, they seem pretty sturdy. I accidentally dropped one off the table with nothing breaking. 😐 Best regards, Dean
