Friday, January 17, 2025

Perry and Wargames Atlantic Prussian Infantry - 1813-15

The Perry figures are two units of regular line - 2nd West Prussian and 1st Silesian. The three units of Reserve are Wargames Atlantic figures with Perry commands. They are supposed to belong to the 1st and 2nd Battalions, 1st West Prussian, and 3rd Battalion, 1st East Prussian. The flags for the Reserve units are from the Warlord Games Landwehr set. EDIT: I just noticed I have the 2nd West Prussian flag (the blue one) upside down. Luckily, I scanned the flags just in case!

The Prussian (and Russian) infantry uniforms are nice - plain cuffs without piping, and no exposed lapels. There are gaiter buttons, but they are sculpted well and easy, if not tedius, to paint up.
Along with the Landwehr unit, there are now six units of Prussian foot, which should be enough for now.
The Perry set is quite old now, but still very nice figures.
The Perry and Wargames Atlantic figures match up well in both style and poses.
Have a set of Perry Prussian High Command on the way to complete the force. I'll likely have to start on the Perry Duchy of Warsaw command set with Poniatowski next. Thanks for checking out the blog, and wishing you all the best!

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