Friday, May 7, 2021

Amati 120mm ECW Pikeman - WIP

Not a gaming figure, but something to pass the time until my Perry order arrives (hopefully soon). Picked this resin kit up off of ebay for under $15 USD and free shipping, so couldn't pass it up. I see there a still a few of these still on ebay for the same price. It's painted in the usual method of block painting followed by a stain of Minwax.

Incidentally, I also picked up the OOP Warhammer ECW book off of ebay for a bargain price too. When it was in print, I hadn't an interest in the period - boy how times change.
Above image shows it with the basic blocked painting. As for my Perry order, I'm a bit surprised as it's been about 3 weeks since it was shipped. Maybe I'm just spoiled as I've had most of my Perry orders arrive within 2 weeks - the website does say approximately a month for orders to arrive in the USA. In any case, thanks for stopping by and checking out the blog. Best wishes to all of you.


  1. Great looking pikeman Dean! Those books are great too. My last Perry order for Samurai took three weeks before it even shipped, so they're probably pretty busy!

    1. Thanks for the kind words and reassurance for the order, Mike. Warmest regards, Dean

  2. You have done a lovely job on this big brother pike man Dean. The cost seems an incredible bargain to be honest. The books are great too...I have had the Haythornthwaite one for about twenty years, a fantastic book I have gone back to many times over that time.

    1. Thanks a lot, Keith. Love the books by Haythornthwaite - have his Napoleonic ones too..superb illustrations. Kindest regards, Dean

  3. Looking really great Dean! You're awesome artist in any scale :)

    1. Thanks for your kind words again, Michal. Warmest regards, Dean

  4. Nice looking figure certainly different. My queue for painting far outstrips my production so the concept of having to paint something while I wait delivery is alien to me. Postage can be a challenge and whilst there have been a few figures in would have liked to order from the US the cost makes them prohibitive, sure the figures will arrive soon

    1. Thanks a lot, Matt. Yes, I really only order in small quantities. I suppose I don't think far out enough. Kindest regards, Dean

  5. That's nifty. Decoration for the game room?

    1. Thanks a lot, Markus. Yes, an addition to my collection of large scale figures - something I started before getting into gaming. Kindest regards, Dean

  6. Fantastic work. I have never tried to paint something bigger than 28mm. Maybe I will try it one day.

    1. Thanks, Bartek - if you want to try out this scale, this particular figure would be a great one to start with. Not sure about shipping to where you're at - but it was free shipping here in the USA and under $15 USD on ebay. Plus the pose and simple attire is straight forward to paint up. Warmest regards, Dean

  7. Great pikeman, Dean! Looks cool!

    1. Thank you much, Sergey! Kind regards, Dean

  8. Oooh, nice! I also have both those books in first picture as well. Like minds they say;)
