Friday, February 14, 2025

WotR Command Stands

Working on WotR command stands. Rebased the command figures onto 20mm metal washers to go on 50mm magnetic round bases. The bases originally had some FPW multibased figures, with the bottoms having the magnetic sheets. Removing the magnetic sheets would've torn the plywood bases, so repurposed them for these command stands. Still working on a few more commands, including Richard III. The ones based are from left to right: Edward IV; the Earl of Warwick; Richard, Duke of York; and the Earl of Oxford.

Here's the bases with acrylic caulking with washers holding the spots where the removable figures will go.
Below is how I was able to carefully scrape off the acrylic caulking from the opposite (former top) side where other figures had been attached.
Well, just a quick post to show you all what I've been working on the last few days. Tomorrow, there's a bring and buy at Fort Steilacoom. After that, I'm invited to an ACW Sharp Practice game down the road from the fort. Until the next update, wishing you all the very best!


  1. Really great looking command stands Dean!


    1. Thanks a lot, Christopher! Plus, I get to reuse the bases I already had. Kindest regards, Dean

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you very much, Mike! I had the figures on different bases, but I like them a lot better on rounds. Warmest regards, Dean

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you very much! It was something I had wanted to do for a few years - finally got them done! Warm regards, Dean

  4. These command stands are excellent Dean!

    1. Thank you very much again, Keith! Warmest regards, Dean

  5. Looks like a fiddly job but worth it, I like repurposing things and the bases look great completed
