Monday, February 17, 2025

A Couple of Richard III's

These are all Perry plastics from their Mounted and Foot MAA sets. Heraldry on the tabards are painted for effect (at arms length) rather than accuracy. I used Vallejo Game Color Bronze Fleshtone for the lions and lilies. Richard is said to have used a battle axe after being unhorsed at Bosworth. I used a poleaxe with the handle shortened and shaved down. The axe head is a bit large, but suitably heroic in proportion as Richard is said to have fought bravely in his last battle.

Magnetized his head (bareheaded and helmeted with crown). 
Also, magnetized the body onto the horse - White Surrey; and also the right arm with lance.
Added little bit of Tamiya putty to the bottom of his bowl cut to give him a little longer hair - as he's normally depicted.

I may have to add a little flesh color below the left eye - seems the wash got a bit too dark there.
Have a few more command stands to finish - awaiting a banner for the Duke of Norfolk coming in a box of Perry English HYW figs. After that, should be good on the Wars of the Roses.


  1. Great work Dean on all versions - foot, mounted, bareheaded and with helmet!

    1. Thanks, Mike! Happy with the results. Warm regards, Dean

  2. You should be happy, Dean, these look fantastic! I think you may have some psychological problems though, having different heads and arm combinations in a 28mm figure, 😆

    1. Lol! Thanks, Keith. I really can't argue with your assessment. I did a bit of magnetized stuff when I dabbled in WHFB and 40K stuff awhile back. Kind regards, Dean

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks a lot, Michal! Warmest regards, Dean

  4. Lovely work Dean and I like the flexibility you’ve built in 👍

    1. Thanks, Matt. Yes, worth the effort, especially for the last English king to die in battle. Kindest regards, Dean

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you so much, Christopher! Kind regards, Dean
