Saturday, February 22, 2025

Perry HYW Longbowmen

Finished up the figures today. Didn't add any highlights other than lightly drybrushing their helmets after spraying the figures with a matte coat. I did give give their faces and hands a fleshwash to soften the tone of the skin. The Minwax stain gives them a bit of a dirty, campaign look.

Used the bases that came with the set to mount the stakes and spare arrows. Also, added magnetic sheet to the 60x45mm bases for the figures mounted on metal washers.

Only added a sparse amount of static grass to give the ground a muddy look.

Just a quick project to ensure the HYW foot men at arms and knights have some missile support if, and when, they may go into battle. Speaking of foot men at arms, will work on the ones from this set next.