Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Perry WotR Infantry and Mercenaries - WIP

 Block painted and stained with Minwax the figures from the two boxes.

Decided to paint up a couple units in livery colors for the Duke of Norfolk - azure and tawny (blue and orange). I not only didn't have units already in these colors, but they were at quite a few battles, to include Tewksbury and Bosworth. Also, units of pikes and crossbows are in Burgundian livery; bows and pole armed guys in tawny to add to the Earl of Oxford's units; a few more pikemen in red and white livery to up the earlier unit to 16 figures, as I plan to have pikes based 4 per 40mm squared to give them a more close order look; and fiinally a small (6-figure) unit of handgunners in generic red.
Above are the figures block painted before staining.

They'll be sprayed with matte and then given highlights before basing. Until next time, thanks for stopping by and wishing you all the best!