Thursday, August 31, 2023

Perry French 2/7th Hussars - Egyptian Campaign

After one of the players from last Saturday's Rebels and Patriots game suggested (actually more of a complaint) that the French should also have a cavalry unit, went ahead and ordered a box of Perry French Hussars. Painted a unit of six (the standard cavalry size for Rebels and Patriots) up as the 2/7th Hussars - prior to them being issued blue dolmans and fitting peaks to their mirlitons.

As I picked up a bug and had a slight cough I stayed home yesterday from the usual Wednesday game day and painted these up instead. The one draw back is my wife picked up my bug and is feeling pretty bad right now. To top it off she's leaving for a trip to Europe (Scandanavia) next Monday. She should be good by then, and we don't have fevers and it's mostly congestion.

They were painted up using the usual block painting and Minwax staining, the later bringing out details like the braiding on the dolman and pelisse. Highlights were added to some areas to make them pop a bit more as they are hussars.
Printed sabretache designs shared by a kind TMPer sent me years ago were used. These may be a bit later - First Empire - but thought the green looked nice.
They were painted up using the usual block painting and Minwax staining, the later bringing out details like the braiding on the dolman and pelisse. Below is how they looked after the stain was applied - a few hightlights were added later.
This unit will be used in another Rebels and Patriots "Napleon Lost In Egypt" game next month at another game day at Fort Steilacoom. For the record, the Brigade Games F&IW British Grenadiers and French Infantry recently painted have new owners - sold them last weekend. The funds from the sale were already used to order replacement figures from Redoubt. Until next time, thanks again for stopping by and checking out the blog.


  1. Splendid brushwork! Hope you and your wife are better soon.

    1. Thanks for the kind words and well wishes, Jonathan! I'm already doing fine, wife still has some congestion, but should be good in a day or so - right before her trip. Warmest regards, Dean

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, Michal! Not to your high-standards, but good enough for the gaming table. :) Best regards, Dean

  3. These are really excellent work Dean!

    1. Thanks so much for the kind compliment, Keith! Warmest regards, Dean

  4. You get very good results from your method Dean.
    I'm envious of the output you achieve!
    My previous attempts with stained varnish have never turned out as nice as yours.

    1. Thank you very much for the kind words, Neil! As far as stain results, most of my gaming also haven't had good results - only one other comes to mind that swears by it. I try to give them pointers, but it's like how I feel about using an airbrush - love-hate relationship. Warmest regards, Dean

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you very much, Matt! It's nice to only have to paint 6 to 12 figs for a unit for the rules I'm using them for. Warmest regards, Dean

  6. Great looking hussars, it's a lovely kit to work with I find, these look ace!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks again for the kind words, Iain. I always wanted to paint some up in mirlitons. Warmest regards, Dean

  7. Great brushwork, the wash really sets them up. Get them in game soon.

    1. Thank you very much, Joe. Looking forward to getting them in a game soon. Warmest regards, Dean

  8. Those are lovely Dean, the new Perry releases will give you plenty to think about for opponents.

    1. Thanks alot, Stu. Yes, always interesting to see what the Perrys offering. Warmest regards, Dean

  9. Hope you feel better soon. Nice looking Hussars, I can’t wait for the Napoleon movie to come out.


    1. Thanks, Kevin. Yes, it'll be the first movie in years, decades maybe, that I am looking forward to seeing. Kindest regards, Dean

  10. Lovely hussars Dean! Will look great on any table!

    Hope you and your wife are better by now.

    1. Thanks a lot, Mike! My wife recovered 100% and made it out for her trip yesterday! Kindest regards, Dean

  11. Fantastic. I could look at your figures all day long.

    1. Thanks, Richard! You're much too kind - appreciate your compliment very much! Best regards, Dean

  12. I think your figurines represent the 7° bis regiment of hussars.
