Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Fireforge Medieval Archers

As I'm now deep into Saga - and working on an Age of Crusades Polish warband, needed a unit of Levy bows. Found a box of Fireforge Medieval Archers on ebay and painted up 12 of the 24 figures that come in this boxed set of plastics. These are nice figures with a simple build of only separate arms (left holding bows), helmeted heads, quivers, and swords (which I left off). I used the 12 poses that are more upright - the other 12 poses are more crouched over or leaning forward, which I didn't like. Not all of the arm/bow arm combinations are in the firing pose - some are at the ready or carrying pose, unlike the the earlier Gripping Beast Late Roman set - which all are in similar firing poses. Anyway, I got enough of them to look pretty close.

These painted up very quickly with a simple, minimalist paint scheme. Vallejo Leather Brown for the jerkins, boots, and quiver; Leather Brown mixed with a little Vallejo Pale Yellow for the bows; dull red, green, and blue for the clothing; and Vallejo Gunmetal for the helmets. As usual the block painting was followed with a staining of Minwax Tudor Satin.
These figures will join two units of Levy Spears and a few units of mounted Warriors and Hearthguard - basically the old HRE figures I've had for years that were previously used in WAB and Lion Rampant.
Speaking of Saga, I'll have to miss our game day tomorrow due to a dental appointment I made months ago - before joining the group. However, I'll be hosting and playtesting a Rebels and Patriots Egyptian Campaign game on Friday - hopefully it goes off well, but will post pictures of the game in any case.

With these bowmen and previous Egyptian Campaign figures done, all of my "must get done to game" painting projects are done. The next painting project will be the French and Indian War figures - but those aren't scheduled for gaming anytime soon, so should progress in a more relaxed time-frame. Thanks agin for checking out the blog and wishing you all the best.


  1. Nice job Dean. I am kit bashing Fire Forge figs for my Ordensstaat Army. It will be my sixth Army for AoC. Good luck with the Polish Battle Board, it’s not for the faint of heart.


    1. Thanks, Kevin. Yes, I watched the Thorsday video on the Polish. Some very interesting board abilities. The swapping of Hearthguard casualties for Warriors is intriguing. Warmest regards, Dean

  2. Great work, Dean! Minwax stain really brings Medievals to life.

    1. Thanks a lot again for your kind words, Jonathan. I really rely on the Minwax staining process for most projects. Warmest regards, Dean

  3. Fantastic project! With pleasure will see next unit:)

    1. Thanks a lot, Michal! Warmest regards, Dean

  4. Yes, they are really great looking archers Dean. By the way, with your Hawaiin heritage, I hope you do not have any friends or family affected by the recent terrible events there?

    1. Thanks for the kind thoughts, Keith. We have a few friends on Maui. Thankfully, they're okay. One actually has a home in between burnt-out areas, but her area was spared. Really hard to believe how bad it is. Warmest regards, Dean

  5. Fantastic results with the Minwax. I haven't been able to find it in Spain, not even something similar as nowadays most varnishes go water based.
    I need that Minwax to live :(

    1. Thank you very much, Javier. Not sure if you can get it in your area, but Amazon has it https://www.amazon.com/Minwax-213604444-Polyshades-Stain-Polyurethane/dp/B0044USWXY/ref=dp_fod_sccl_2/135-2844514-6933866?pd_rd_w=T1d7u&content-id=amzn1.sym.c1d527b2-d053-4e09-ac20-091579b51534&pf_rd_p=c1d527b2-d053-4e09-ac20-091579b51534&pf_rd_r=7WNPEABCK0RXP4NX2HK0&pd_rd_wg=bL511&pd_rd_r=a29c6d13-37fc-4859-a555-3b5d6a08f125&pd_rd_i=B0044USWXY&th=1
      This is the polyurethane version - not oil based. Warmest regards, Dean

    2. I had already checked Amazon Spain and they aren't selling at the moment. Anyway, they are selling Minwax clear at 27€!
      Many thanks anyway Dean. Best.

    3. Understood. A lot of folks seem to prefer Agrax over Minwax. In fact the can I currently using is from a friend who didn't like it.

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you very much, Peter! Warmest regards, Dean

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks a lot, Richard! Kindest regards, Dean

  8. Splendid looking medieval bowmen excellent work as always!
    Best Iain

  9. Replies
    1. Thank you very much, Matt. Warm regards, Dean

  10. Replies
    1. Thank you very much, Joe! Kind regards, Dean
