Sunday, August 20, 2023

Brigade Games F&IW British Grenadiers - WIP

Just a quick WIP post on these figures. These are very nice sculpts (Paul Hicks, I think), but the mitres don't have any raised sculpting. I wanted to tackle the mitres first as they are the most difficult to paint. I used Micron pens for the "G" and "R" script for the 22nd and 40th caps, but had to brush on the white script for the 45th's. The white blotches on the bottom red field are supposed to represent the galloping horse motif. All of this painted for effect and not accuracy - of course. At arms length it should be okay on the gaming table. Also, the Minwax staining should obscure some of it too. If I were to get more British Grenadiers, I would get the ones from Warlord Games or Foundry which have the mitre emblems sculpted on.

Thanks again for stopping by.


  1. The miters are looking darn good!

  2. Damn Dude that’s an excellent effort, well done!


  3. Nice work Dean - that was about as good as I could manage doing freehand mitres - in fact, I think the best mitre caps I ever painted were 45 years ago when I was 15 on SYW Minifigs grenadiers that I was using in the Jacobite Rising!
