Monday, July 24, 2023

Gripping Beast Late Roman Cataphracts

Still waiting on some Litko bases to finish them off, but here is a box of Late Roman Cataphracts by Gripping Beast.

Very nice kit with minimal parts. The painting process was fairly simple too - black undercoat and dry-brushing with metallic colors.
For SAGA, these would be part of a Hearthguard unit - which I'd likely double up to an 8-figure unit. Kind of a steamroller unit. They have 5/5 armor, but Medium movement distance. Anyway, figured they'd look impressive on the table.
Next up are the Light Cavalry with bows. Thanks for stopping by and checking out the blog. Best wishes to you all!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Michal! Appreciate the nice comment. Best regards, Dean

  2. Serious looking horsemen, Dean. Great job!

  3. These look great Dean and should add a real punch to your Saga force!

    1. Thanks, Keith. It's good to have a few units to select from for a warband. Kindest regards, Dean

  4. Nicely done Dean I have a number of metal Cataphracts to paint up at some time in the future

    1. Thanks, Matt. These seem to be pretty strudy - the kontos in particular seem very good for gaming. I actually pressed my hand on a few by accident and they were none the worse for wear. Kindest regards, Dean

  5. Brilliant looking Cataphracts Dean; the different colours on the horse armour work really well.

    They will be a great addition to your warband.

    Regards, Ross

    1. Thanks, Ross. Hopefully I'll be able to get them into action soon. Kindest regards, Dean

  6. Great looking cataphracts, I've got some metal ones primed, these look ace!
    Best Iain

  7. Those are just to die for. They are brilliant Dean.
