Monday, November 25, 2024

Perry Napoleonic French Infantry (1807-14 and 1812-15)

Finished basing the two sets of Perry plastic French infantry.

The two sets look fine next to each other - keeping the figures in separate units. Although, I did have to use a single 1807-14 figure on the command base of the other set as I was short one without greatcoat. He's behind the flag bearer, next to the drummer - noticeably from the back having longer coat tails.
I used the 1812 pattern flag on both units. The earlier pattern that came with the 1807-14 set seems a bit too small.
Here they are on movement trays in Attack Column formation (according to the Perry leaflet).

Comparison below of plastic French Infantry - left to right: Warlord Games (Peninsula set), Perry 1807-14, Victrix, Perry 1812-15. The Warlord guys appear the biggest (mainly their shakos/heads), the Perry 1812-15 the smallest/shortest (not really discernable). The Perry 1807-14 figures match up well with Victrix - they're both somewhat slender. All except the 1812-15 Perrys are in the earlier longer tailed coat. As far as I know, the Perrys are the only ones with plastic French Infantry in Bardin regulation coats (closed labels).
Plan to start on a box of Perry Duchy of Warsaw next. Thanks for checking out the blog, and wishing you all the best, and a Happy Thanksgiving to those on this side of the pond.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Mike! Great figures - may have to get another box (or two) of them someday. :) Warmest regards, Dean

  2. Nice work as well! Do you plan to use this soldiers for some kind of rules like Black Powder or Pickett?

    1. Thanks for the kind words again! Yes, I do plan on using them with Black Powder; haven't tried Pickett yet. Warm regards, Dean

  3. Nice work bro-ski! Lot of people think painting uniforms are faster to paint. Having painted French line myself, I feel your work with all the detail you need to do for the period. Cords, Pom poms, cuffs, belts, when you get to the end you’ve felt the grind. Yet somehow you knock these out so fast!


    1. Thanks for the high praise, Kevin. The piping are the hardest to paint. Although
      not really uniforms, I liked painting ECW stuff due to the large cuffs and lack of piping. Warmest regards, Dean

  4. A lovely bunch of Frenchies, Dean, and the comparison at the end is useful/interesting - do you prefer one brand over the other - in general, I would pick the Perrys, although having said that, I found their AWI a bit under whelming, thanks to a lack of variety in the poses available - the British Napoleonic line infantry, on the other hand, are fantastic!

    1. Thanks a lot, Keith. After trying out all of the different plastics, I also think the Perry 1812-15 set is the best. Minimal parts, sturdy plastic, and paint up well. For the record, the Victrix French were my first venture into Napoleonics, along with the British Peninsula set when they first came out. Nice figures, but the plastic, mainly the bayonets and swords, being quite brittle and prone to breakage. Kindest regards, Dean

  5. Good article about the figures. Nice brushwork as well!

    1. Thank you very much again, Joe. Warm regards, Dean

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you very much, Michal. Appreciate your kind words as always. Warmest regards, Dean

  7. Your French look excellent! Reminds me of the huge lot of unpainted French I still have lying around...

    1. Thanks you so much for your nice comment. Hopefully, you'll get back to your French too. Kindest regards, Dean

  8. Superb as always Dean. I especially like the 2eme and 3eme portes-aigles in the helmets.
    Regards, James

    1. Thanks a lot, James. I've always wanted the eagle guards in carabiner helmets ever since seeing an illustration in the Haythornthwaite Retreat from Moscow uniform book as a kid. I still have the book! Kindest regards, Dean

  9. I love these sets and the all work you did! I plan to use those sets mixed with Perry's Poles for my Polish regiments sent to Spain (the 4th, 7th, and 9th) and then sent to Russia in 1812.

    1. Thanks for the kind words again, Bartek! I'm working on two Polish units, the 4th and 8th with yellow and red lapels, respectively. Warmest regards, Dean

  10. Marvellous work Dean. Interesting size comparison.

    1. Thanks Richard! Honestly, on the table, any differences aren't really noticeable. Kindest regards, Dean

  11. Cracking job Dean, they look superb!
