Friday, October 18, 2024

One-Hour Skirmish Wargame - Operation Cobra

Well it's been quite awhile since posting, but just finished a very fun game using One-Hour Skirmish rules for the first time. Although it was the first time with the rules, I wanted to add vehicles to see how the rules worked. Glad I did, as it turned out nicely. There were two German players, and along with my buddy, two American players. We all had a unit of about 10 infantry, including an HMG team, an anti-tank team, and a tank. We allowed the HMG team to make one move per player phase as a house rule. I managed to take out a Panther and a Fallshirmjager HMG team early in the game thanks to lucky card draws. Although it was the first time with the rules, everyone already had the rules and were itching to play them. The rules are well-written, straight forward, and can be picked up quickly. We played about 7 or 8 turns rather quickly with Jokers being drawn. We ended the game as a stalemate with both sides having a few casualties, but not really making any kind of breakthrough. Here are a few pictures I managed to take during the game.

Panther moving up along with Fallshirmjager support.
My Sherman and the Panther dueling. We engaged each other in a couple of turns, with the Sherman finally being able to take out the Panther.
My buddy James' M-10 peaking out behind some ruins. He managed to keep the Panzer 4 opposite him at bay.
The Panzer 4 with a marker showing 3 accumulated damage points from earlier fire.
My Sherman moving past the burning Panther. The Fallshirmjagers had a panzerschreck and panzerfaust which failed to damage the Sherman during the game.
US 4th Armored Division infantry moving towards cover.
Heer on their left flank, supporting the Panzer 4.
Some 101st guys supporting the American left; they must've not gone to England with the rest of the division after D-Day.
Fallshirmjager in defensive positions. A panzerschreck poking out of the ruins.
4th Armored infantry occupying a ruined building.
Panzer 4 and supporting infantry.
Start of the game.

All in all a really nice return to gaming with a few friends. Hope to play the rules again with a Horse and Musket scenario. Thanks for stopping by and wishing you all the best.

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