Saturday, September 21, 2024

Fort Steilacoom Fix Bayonets Game Day

Well, just the morning period - I left after catching up with the crew and picking up the game and rule set I bought from the estate of our late gaming buddy, Dave S. (Naval Gazing blog). Here are a few pictures from the morning games.

A Philippine Insurrection game run by Kevin Smyth (A Gamer's Tale blog), using One Hour Skirmish rules.

A Ravenfeast game run by our buddy who actually is the member of the Fort Steilacoom Historical Society which lets us game in the old Quarters #2.

An ACW game using Sharp Practice rules.
A Wings of Glory WW1 game.
The board game and AK47 Republic rules I picked up, both at a fraction of the going rate. I'm not board gamer, but it is in pristine condition (never used with all the counters unpunched), I had to get it. Hope to get into AK47 since a few of the local gamers are into it. It'll be interesting getting 15mm figures and vehicles.
A shot of the building we use, and also my buddy and his Newfoundland manning the sign in table.

All in all, a good way to spend the morning with friends - and only a five minute drive from my place.
Hope you all are having a good start to the weekend too (although being retired, weekends aren't really that different from other days for me).


  1. Looks like you had a great day cool is that, a five minute drive from home!
    You had to mention being retired and rub it in again, didn't you! Lol 😆

    1. Thank you again, Keith. Yes, the whole retirement thing should be close-hold, and not thrown out there too much 😀. Kindest regards, Dean
