Finally picked up some Army Painter grass tufts and flowers - really great additions to any basing project, and decently priced too. I didn't use them on the stands with the Old Glory figs - sorry OG. Anyway here they all are based and grouped in units with 80mm frontage. I had forgotten that I had some Newline Sea Peoples and a few Foundry Sherden Guards too - but ran out of Litko stands. I ended up removing the Warlord EIR figures that were based on Litko stands, and used those. The EIR guys were rebased on plastic 40mm bases. Quite a rebasing weekend it was.
There are 35 formed infantry units and four command stands. In addition to these foot troops, there are several skirmish order units of slingers and javelinmen.
Pylians led by Antilochus. They are armed in the old fashioned style favored by Nestor their king. A few archers are interspersed within the ranks to provide missile fire. Enemy attacking their front lose any charge bonuses due to the Long Spears and being in an early form of Phalanx. |
Mycenaeans with Agamemnon in charge. These guys are Drilled and can make one free move on a failed order. |
Achilles and Patroclus lead the Myrmidons. They are Tough Fighters and Valiant, and can re-roll one missed Combat attack as well as one Break Test. |
Cretans with Idomeneus and Meriones providing inspirational leadership. |
Locrian light infantry archers under the command of Aias Oileus (aka Ajax the Lesser). They are Marksmen and can Re-roll one missed shot per ranged attack. |
The Old Glory guys make up the Trojan contingent - and missed their photo op. The Trojans will likely needs some foot command troops - might be a nice future painting endeavor.
Wow, that was fast and effective - nice result too!
ReplyDeleteThank you very much, Soren. Appreciate the compliments. I try to use a production line method when doing larger projects like this - don't like having stuff unfinished for too long. :) Warm regards, Dean
DeleteGreat looking army Dean - the new bases and tufts really enhance the figures.
ReplyDeleteThanks again, Mike. I didn't use static grass, except for what remained directly around the figures from their previous basing. Seems to look better with just the tufts and flowers (weeds?). Best, Dean
DeleteWell done!
ReplyDeleteAppreciate the kind words, Andras! Warm regards, Dean
DeleteThose look great Dean - multi-basing is definitely the way to go!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Simon. Your armies were definitely inspirational. Best, Dean
DeleteSome great looking units here, very nice job Dean!
ReplyDeleteThank you very much, Phil. The basing for your games were also very inspirational. Warm regards, Dean
DeleteDean, you made really quick work of that project. See, rebasing, is not that bad!
ReplyDeleteFantastic results and a beautiful collection.
Truly, Jonathan, I found this quite refreshing and somewhat enjoyable. They're all based to how I had wanted them to be for a long time. The best thing is that I didn't have to pry off the Redoubt figures from their 20mm squares (Litko plywood with magnetic bottoms) - and only tacked them onto the stands. Regards, Dean
Deleteimpressive sight of colours and figures! great basing too!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Phil! These guys, well an initial core, were some of the first 28mm figures I ever collected and painted - Redoubt guys. Still holding up after several WAB battles as well as an Hail Caesar game several years ago. Warm regards, Dean
DeleteI do recall viewing and commenting on your WAB Armies, a few years ago ;) I don't like single figures/units, a nightmare and frustration to move single figures during a game! where as basing your figures with your base preferences, it does and should help move the units across the table in good order ;) and speed up the playing time during a game....
DeleteI'm in the middle re-basing my 25mm Sash/Saber ACW Union figures all 280 of them! on 30mm x 40mm bases this should cover most ACW wargame rules i.e. Guns at Gettysburg, Fire and Fury Brigade/Regimental and Richard Borg's Battle Cry - hex game system...
What made it worse, Phil, was that I routinely had my WAB units decimated in games. Entailing the casualty removals and subsequent reforming of units - a real pain for figures with long spears and active poses! Like rubbing salt in the wound!
DeleteThey look great! You have single handedly stopped me from deciding to put my Trojans on eBay!
ReplyDeleteGood to hear that! You must keep them; I believe we all revisit this famous war eventually. I've not touched the figures for a couple of years, and then it was for a WAB event, and nothing historical (yes, the Trojan War did happen, of course). Warm Regards, Dean
DeleteAbsolutely wonderful work Dean and really makes me wish to start a Trojan army......again!
Thanks, Christopher; happy to hear of the renewed interest in the Trojan War. Pretty much a timeless scenario. Everything from personal combat to nighttime commando type raids (Odysseus and Diomedes), to the actual sack of Troy; be it by siege engine, earthquake or deception. Warm regards, Dean
DeleteThe wargaming can be hassle and when you take up a new rule set it can be a bit off putting but it is all part of being a rebaser and really it is what it is all about, the rebasing
ReplyDeleteGreat job Dean, cathartic?
Thanks, Dave. Yes, I think I've finally realized that I rather play games which I enjoy (from the mechanics, to aesthetics, to basing), than trying to play something I really don't enjoy for the same aforementioned reasons. I also find much of the hobby cathartic - especially the aesthetic side - that is I like painting and presentation far more than rules. Life is too short :) Best, Dean
Deleteadmit it Dean you just play games so you can rebase ;-)
DeleteI've always like the look of the Trojan army and the sea peoples too, the armies are so colourful irrespective of who has painted them
Lol! Dave, I've rebased my Warlord EIR three (3) times - and have never gamed them! :) First the were on 3/4'' (20mm) metal washers, then on 40mm Litko (3-per base) now on 40mm plastic bases (4-per base)! I'm a bit ashamed to admit it, but it's true. Dean
DeleteBeautiful work!
ReplyDeleteThank you very kindly! Regards, Dean
DeleteEchoing everyone else comments they look amazingly beautiful Dean. Great job.
ReplyDeleteAppreciate the visit and nice words, Simon! Best, Dean
DeleteDean, army very coolly looks
ReplyDeleteThank you kindly! IMO they are now better aesthetically based than rank behind rank per WAB and such. Also, much easier to move around without bending long spears - or worse breaking off those helmet horns I made out of Green Stuff :) Regards, Dean
DeleteWoooW This is Epic Dean! Remind me first Homer's reading:)
ReplyDeleteAh, appreciate the kind words, Michal! The Iliad (& Odyssey) are definitely epic. Best, Dean
DeleteFantastic work! Can't wait to see the chariots
ReplyDeleteGreat looking army Dean!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Gents. Appreciate the nice comments.
ReplyDelete@ Steve: I will surely need to get the chariots their photo op too.
Best, Dean
Superb, Dean! I love the colors, variety and poses. You have a beautiful and seemingly endless bench of armies.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Monty. Some of these Redoubt were my first 28mm figures; before getting into gaming too. Regards, Dean