After the recent big Pacific NW convention, Enfilade, last weekend I came home to contemplate my next gaming project. As I never really bothered to look for any new figures at the Bring and Buy, it made me wonder if I was losing interest in gaming and/or painting. The only purchase I made was an Osprey book on Troy, which I couldn't pass up for $5.00. In fact, I sold off my Warlord EIR army as well as a few Old Glory Normans and Turcopoles. Downsizing, I suppose. It also made me take stock of what figures I already had, and if they hadn't received their fare share of gaming table time. I ended up taking the images below for the record. Missing are most of the WW1 and WW2 stuff, which are
in plastic bins.
Without further ado, here is my toy soldier collection, so to speak. Most of the 28mm figures have been on the gaming
table. The French & Indian War stuff have yet to see their first
Muskets and Tomahawks game. Possibly this will be the next gaming
Top shelf: F&IW - Foundry and Redoubt, HYW - mostly BTD (English) and Perry (French), Normans & Saxons - mostly Crusader, and a couple of 120mm figures as well as a few 54mm stuff. Second shelf: Trojan War stuff - mostly Redoubt, some Foundry and others; Third shelf: Napoleonic French and various others - mostly Victrix, Perry, OG and Foundry. |
Top shelf: Napoleonic British - mostly Victrix, Perry, OG; Second shelf: Imjin War Joeson Koreans - mostly Perry, and some Japanese - OG, as well as RJW Japanese - OG. |
Top shelf: Gauls, Thracians, Hoplites, Oscans and other such Ancients - OG, Foundry, Crusader and Redoubt; Bottom shelf: Mycenaean ship - Redoubt, OG Viking Longship, and 1/8th scale Aurora/Monogram 15th C. Knight (aka Gold Knight of Nice). |
The next cabinet has more of an eclectic mix.
Top shelf: GW Empire stuff; Second shelf: Medieval stuff - Mirliton, OG, FireForge, and some 120mm resin figures which were painted long before getting into 28mm gaming figures. |
Top shelf: Early and Late-Samurai, as well as a more recently completed 120mm resin Ii Naomasa figure. The Early-Samurai are mostly T.A.G. and the Late-Samurai mostly Perry and OG; Second shelf: Seleucids - most of the foot are Foundry, the elies are Aventine, the scythed chariot and armored cav from 1st Corps, and some command figures from Relic (Antiochus and Pyrrhus). |
Top shelf: 40K Space Marine stuff on the left, and Empire stuff on the right Bottom shelf: WotR stuff - mostly OG and Perry plastics. |
The next cabinet are display figures in 120mm and larger - again, mostly painted long before getting into gaming.
These are all 120mm resin figures - mostly Verlinden. |
Top shelf: A couple of Verlinden figures flank an Airfix 1/12th scale Black Prince; in the rear 1/16th scale plastic knights by Imex. Second shelf: 200mm resins by Verlinden - Henry V, Earl of Oxford and Lord Bardolph. Two 1/8th Aurora plastic knights in the rear - "Red Knight of Vienna" and "Black Knight of Nurnberg." |
Various other 120mm-200mm stuff. Also 1/12th plastic Airfix Richard I and Joan of Arc models. |
And in a bookcase display hidden away.
Various other stuff, including the only 15mm figures I have - a DBA Pre-Samurai army which was only gamed once about a year ago |
Here's what the larger two cabinets look like in a corner of the living room.
A couple of helmets picked up off of ebay on top the one on the right. |
The one thing I don't have is a dedicated gaming room, but since I only occasionally play, the use of folding tables in the dining room suffices. Anyway, hope you enjoyed viewing the collection on this fine Saturday. I'm actually trying to get over a bug I may have picked up at the con.