Just got back from another great game day at the Boeing Museum of Flight. This has been an annual thing for about 10 years or so now. Our good NHMGS president, Kevin Smyth ("A Gamer's Tales" blog), reached out to the museum way back when and somehow gets us in for free on their yearly "Hobby Day". In addition to us getting to host games - we get around 6 or so tables for the morning and afternooon periods - there are also displays from the local scale modellers club, and also the local RC model flying club. This weekend hosted an additional event - the CooperCon, it's a meeting of folks who discuss and share "info" on DB Cooper and his caper. It kind of makes sense to have it there as he did jump out of a Boeing 727 somewhere over the Pacific NW. Anyway, back to the game day - in the morning period I got to play in my buddy Lawrence's game based on the battle at the White River (near present day Auburn) in 1856 between US troops from Fort Steilacoom and the local natives (warriors from the Nisqually, Muckleshoot, Puyallup, and Klickitat tribes). I ran some of the US troops and our side ended up pushing most of the natives back into the wood. The rules used is called Brother Against Brother. The rules seemed to favor our troops as we could charge the natives, but they couldn't charge us. A successful charge to reach within 6" of the enemy forced the enemy to retire 3D10 inches. We also had 30" max range with our muskets and the natives' trade muskets only had a 20" max range. Besides our game in the first period, there was also a Tribal game of "cavemen vs. cavemen". Since I played in a Tribal Game last month at the Veteran's Museum, figured I'd give someone else a chance to try the rules. It was another great looking game put on by David Sullivan ("I Live With Cats" blog). A Wings of War game and a Vietnam bombing campaign game called "Thuds Over Hanoi" were also in the morning period. I played both games in years past so opted to get into the White River game. The afternoon period had a bit fewer games, Kevin ran his Air Race game (always a favorite - and another one I got to play in a few years ago), my buddy James ran a Bolt Action WW1 East Africa game, and another buddy, Wil, hosted a WW2 Soviet vs. German Chain of Command game on the next table. Managed to take a few pictures of the games - also some pictures from the WW1 and WW2 exhibits. I've posted pictures of these exhibits before from previous game days here, but figured it's been awhile so maybe some folks haven't seen them. Oh, and I did get a nice Sheppard's Pie lunch special at the cafe.

That's the NHMGS gaming tables on the left, near the US Air aircraft cutaway. We used be under the SR-71, but the scale modeller's get the space now. It's actually darker (harder to see) under the SR-71 anyway.
The view looking down into the main hall from the upper deck.
The RC airplane guys setting up in the upper deck area. Some of the models are pretty big.
The table for the White River game prior to starting.
The Tribal game prior to starting.
The Wings of War set up.
The Thuds Over Hanoi set up. I mentioned to the GM, another buddy, that I had just watched Rolling Thunder - the one with William Devane and Tommy Lee Jones - he said he hadn't seen it before. It doesn't have really anything to do with the war proper, but has some nice shoot out scenes - reminicent of Peckinpa stuff, but I digress...

The section of troops that I ran in the White River game. The grey beads on the bayonets indicate they've fired and need to reload the next turn. A black bead would indicate the musket got fouled - and also needed a turn for that to be cleared. D10's are used for firing (and moving), most hits at over close range require 0's or 1's. Close range (less than half max range) in the open, hit on 0's, 1's, and 2's. Oh, and the activation of units is by card draw - highest to lowest player, black cards trumping red for ties. You can choose to move, charge, fire, or reload as an activation. Also, activations can be different for individual figures within the same unit.
The Tribal game. The game I played last month was set in the Early Bronze Age with chariots and bows. This one is set in prehistoric times - I think the mammoths (or are they mastdadons - never can tell the difference) are separate objectives.
Thuds Over Hanoi game. F-105's and Phantoms, I think. Also, the NVA/VC have rockets, etc. to try and take down aircraft. The dense foliage represents troops hidden in the jungle.
Some of the natives in the White River game. The GM apologized for the figures being more representative of Eastern Woodland tribes - we let him slide on it.
This is another unit of US troops run by another player - they've charged into a unit of native - and forced them to retire away. His troops were later taken out by musket fire from different native units.
Some reinforcements from Fort Steilacoom - these were run by another player on our side. He could only bring on one unit at turn 5, and the rest in the next turns. Check out the cool dice cup in the background.
My troops about to charge into two native units - forcing them to retreat. The red bead indicates that figure will have +1 to his next firing as "revenge" for losing a comrade in a previous turn to the native's musket fire. To be honest, this is only the second time I've played Brother Against Brother in over a decade - but the way my buddy ran it really made it easy to play.
More US troops make it across the river - including the supply train.
Our little NHMGS table for the public to peruse - and ask questions about this strange hobby. There were a lot of visitors roaming the museum and most seemed to enjoy seeing our stuff and asking what the heck we were doing with toy soldiers. In fact, the adults seemed more interested than the kids.
My buddy James explaining the finer points of his Bolt Action WW1 East Africa game prior to commencing. James is a retired Infantry Colonel and lives about 10 minutes away from me - and we enjoy playing a lot of the same rules, like Bolt Action, Black Powder, and Rebels and Patriots. We're in the minority though, as most of our buddies dislike Bolt Action and Black Powder, for various reasons.
Second period - not as many games at the first period, but folks were just enjoying catching up with each and generally shooting the breeze. That's Kevin at the table on the right in the blue shirt, running his Air Race game.
Another shot of the Bolt Action WW1 East Africa game.
Planes at the starting line of the Air Race game.
Wil's Chain of Command game, Black Death Defending Stalingrad.
The other end of the Chain of Command table - had to get a shot of the downed German aircraft in the building.
I've had worse for more money. It was actually pretty good - and filling.
And a few shots of the WW2 and WW2 displays - not going to show my ignorance of aircraft, so hopefully you'll be able to recognize them.
Well it was a nice day at the museum, gaming and catching up of with old gaming buddies. Thanks again for checking out the blog and hope you're all doing well and enjoying the holiday time of year.