Monday, September 23, 2024

Old Glory Janissary Musketeers With Command

 Finished up these figures - added a few highlights since there are large areas of clothing.

Very nice, robust figures, which will work well for skirmish games. In fact, I just ordered a copy of One-Hour Skirmish Wargame rules, which I plan to use for the Napoleon in Egypt project.
One of the references used.
They match up pretty well with TAG Janissaries (middle figure pictured below).
Thanks for checking out the blog as always, and hope you all are doing well.

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Fort Steilacoom Fix Bayonets Game Day

Well, just the morning period - I left after catching up with the crew and picking up the game and rule set I bought from the estate of our late gaming buddy, Dave S. (Naval Gazing blog). Here are a few pictures from the morning games.

A Moro Rebellion game run by Kevin Smyth (A Gamer's Tale blog), using One Hour Skirmish rules.

A Ravenfeast game run by our buddy who actually is the member of the Fort Steilacoom Historical Society which lets us game in the old Quarters #2.

An ACW game using Sharp Practice rules.
A Wings of War WW1 game.
The board game and AK47 Republic rules I picked up, both at a fraction of the going rate. I'm not board gamer, but it is in pristine condition (never used with all the counters unpunched), I had to get it. Hope to get into AK47 since a few of the local gamers are into it. It'll be interesting getting 15mm figures and vehicles.
A shot of the building we use, and also my buddy and his Newfoundland manning the sign in table.

All in all, a good way to spend the morning with friends - and only a five minute drive from my place.
Hope you all are having a good start to the weekend too (although being retired, weekends aren't really that different from other days for me).

Friday, September 20, 2024

Old Glory Janissary Musketeers - WIP

 Just a quick post - Minwax stain over a basic block paint job. Still need to paint the command figures.

Before the stain - with the command figures in the background.
These were on sale at a local (well about 2 hours away) store that sells a lot of "prior owned" figures. These were actually part of an estate sale from an out of state store. Anyway, figured I could use more of these if I ever revisit the Napoleon in Egypt project.

Tomorrow, I plan to stop by a game day event at Fort Steilacoom - about a mile and a half from my place. Not sure how long I'll stay, but intend to take a few pictures of the games going on - at least in the morning session. 

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Ming Chinese Command Stand (North Star And TAG Figures)

Needing a command stand for the Ming contingent for the Imjin War project, ordered a pack of North Star Ming "Buntai". The mounted guy and the two halberdiers are from this pack, which also includes another halberdier and two bowmen. The guy with the animal skin cap and large axe is a TAG figure - listed as a Sui Dynasty figure. The Sui were several hundredyears earlier than the Ming, but he looked too cool not to add to the stand.

They were blocked painted, followed by Minwax staining, and then a few highlights added afterwards.
The Sui axeman has more traditional lamellar armor. The North Star guys seem to be in mail, which wasn't very common. I was thinking of grinding the mail down and using Green Stuff for lamellar or scale, but decided it wasn't worth the effort - as well as chance of making it even worse.
The helmets are pretty accurate for what Ming supposedly wore at the time; however, I wish the mounted guy had a helmet a bit more fancy.
So much for now - have some Old Glory Janissaries with muskets in the painting queue, but not in any rush to paint them at the moment. Until next time, thanks for stopping by and for your earlier well-wishes. Hope you all are doing great!

Thursday, September 12, 2024

I'm Back - Sort Of

Just making a quick post to let you know where I've been the last few weeks. I know my last post said I was about to host an Imjin War game, but was side-tracked soon after the post. The week after that last post I went into the ER with severe stomach pain. After an agonizing wait in the ER for several hours, it was determined my gallbladder needed to be removed. The surgery was not until the next afternoon. Soon after they started what they had hoped to be a normal 1 hour procedure turned into a 3 hour-plus surgery. Seems my gallbladder had hardened to the point they needed to do a 6" lateral incision on my stomach to properly get the offending organ out. It had also attached to my liver so they had to leave part of it there so as not to damage the liver. Good news is my liver is in great condition! Well, here I am going on 3 weeks after the surgery and feeling very good, but the healing will take a few more weeks - a few months for full recovery. I do plan to stop by our annual game day at Fort Steilacoom next Saturday. In the meantime, picked up a North Star Ming Buntai pack, as I wanted to do a commad stand for the Ming contingent.
Until next time, wishing you all the best - and apologies for not checking out your blogs these past few weeks.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

TAG Heian/Gempei War Mounted Samurai Command

 This is the mounted samurai command pack from TAG. Painted the standard with the Taira butterfly mon.

Really didn't "need" more figures for this period, but this was a pack from TAG which I didn't have before. I like to have most, if not all, of the figures from a range that I like. This range from TAG was one of the very first 28mm figures I collected, and still like them a lot.
There are only 3 horse poses from this range, but they look nice.
What I based the crest on. Not exact, but close enough.
The o-yoroi armor with its large sode (shoulder armor) allows for painted various lacing patterns.
A painting depicting Taira cavalry - some carrying similar banners.
Still have my Imjin War game scheduled for next week. Plan to use a simplified version of Hail Caesar for the rules - which will include scaling walls with ladders. Until then, wishing you all the best and hope you're enjoying the summer weather.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Verlindend 120mm Resin Leib Hussar

Added the plastic parts from the 1/16th ICM kit. The sabre blade is a bit flimsy, but good enough for a quick fix.

Painted the sabretache as plain black leather which appears to be common on campaign - and saved me some trouble to boot.
Glad to have finally completed this figure after so many years being "short-handed."

Monday, August 12, 2024

Revisiting An Old 120mm Verlinden Leib Hussar

The figure painted, for the most part, was painted years ago. It was bought off of ebay for very cheap - because it was missing it's right hand (holding a sabre), as well as the scabbard, and sabretache. Just picked up another cheap ($10) ebay plastic kit in 1/16th scale - approx. 120mm. Using the new kit's right hand and sabre, and scabbard. Fashioned a sabretache from plastic card. Used another old Verlinden figures (Chasseur a Cheval) as a guide for the sabretache.

Used copper wire for the bottom ring on the scabbard. Kind of got too much glue on the scabbard - will need to sand it down later.
Not doing any other painting, but will be hosting an Imjin War game later this month. Also, spending a little time with my youngest son who's visiting to attend a friend's wedding here. He's a recently (about 6 months ago) promoted captain in the Army. He just finished his Captain's course a few weeks ago, and will be assigned to the 1st Armored Div at Fort Bliss next month. He was previously with the 1st Cavalry Div at Fort Cavasos (formerly Fort Hood). Otherwise all is well, and hope the same to you all.

Monday, August 5, 2024

Samurai Castle/Wajo Main Gate Update

Updated the main gate for the Japanese castle/wajo. Added steps, and upper walls on a wooden platform.

Wanted to give the gate a better look along side the taller wall sections.
The upper deck can support troops.
Styrafoam base for the steps coated with plaster and Mod Podge. Balsa wood for the top support structure. Resin sections for the top walls.
I have a playtest later this month for game based on the Siege of Ulsan which will use this gate, along with the rest of the wall sections.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Shadows of Brimstone

My buddy invited me over to play a game of Shadows of Brimstone. He's part of a larger Tuesday night gaming group, and I've been over a few times for other rules, but this was the first time for me playing Shadows of Brimstone. The rest of the group has played it in the past, but not on consecutive gatherings. In fact, this was one of the few times I've played this kind of game - RPGish? Anyway, my buddy had me play a new character that hadn't been introduced before - a Wandering Samurai. I did enjoy playing it, although admittedly not fully versed with all of the mechanics. My buddy was the GM and played the various "bad guys", zombie-like Indians and Confederate soldiers who had been transformed into weird creatures. We finished the game entering a new portal and were advised the next place would be the Northland. Looking forward to playing it again.

I think I did well enough, survived with a few points and restored to full health. I did do some damage to one of the largest Confederate soldier turned creature with some decent dice rolling.

Again, this isn't the sort of gaming I'm used to, but happy to have been invited to partake.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Battle of Ichi no Tani - Tribal Gaming

Just wrapped up a four player Tribal game using the Battle of Ichi no Tani during the Gempei War as the scenario. The Taira clan who were in their beachside fortess were to repel the attacking Minamoto forces coming along the beachhead. The Taira had a secret victory condition which was to flee out to sea with the boats at the shoreline - if they couldn't destroy the Minamoto on land. They chose to remain in and around the fortress and battle it to the bitter end. The Minamoto had a hidden movement that started at the start of turn 3. Two mounted warrior units along with three mounted characters, the warlord, Minamoto Yoshistune, along with the monk hero Benkei and a banner man. They did some damage within the fortress but the Taira held their own. Both sides had units of foot and mounted samurai with Elite Marksmen skills in light armor and short weapons (katana). Both sides also had units of foot Warriors with long weapons (naginata). The Minamoto had several units of Warrior monks in light armor - two Elite Marksmen with short weapons and one with long weapons. At the end of turn 5, the Taira had more Honor points than the Minamoto and they were declared the victors. For the record, one of the players (on the Taira side) played the rules for the first time, and admitted that he didn't like card driven games, but he really enjoyed this one. Anyway, here are pictures from the game - I was able to take a few as I was umpiring the game

Daimyo in deep contemplation prior to the battle.
Minamoto standard bearer in combat with the Taira warlord inside the encampment.
Minamoto Yoshitsune about to take out remaining Taira bowmen - his loyal companion, the warrior monk Benkei closely behind him.
Taira foot and cavalry defending the breach.
Benkei in combat with Taira bowmen.
Minamoto cavalry wreaking havoc inside of the Taira encampment.
Taira bowmen manning a tower near the main gate.
Action with the Taira fortified encampment. The Minamoto cavalry having successfully descending unopposed down a cliff in the rear of the camp.
Minamoto and Taira forces clash at the palisades after a breach having been made.
Minamoto and Taira foot in woods surrounding the Taira camp.
Minamoto and Taira cavalry clash inside the Taira camp.
Minamoto samurai at the breach in the Taira encampment.
Minamoto Yoshitsune and picked cavalry descending from steep cliffs into the rear of the Taira encampment.
Battle on the flanks inside woods.
Minamoto samurai having successfully torn down a section of the Taira palisades.
View within the Taira camp from their left flank.
Sohei bowmen.
Minamoto samurai on their left flank.
Genre/period appropriate gaming aids and refreshment.

All in all a good game which worked well with the rules. As mentioned in the earlier post, I've played this same scenario with a modified version of WAB and also Lion Rampant. In those games, Taira units always made an attempt to reach the boats on shore, and in some cases successfully escaped to sea. In this game, the Taira players chose to stay in and around the encampment. Historically, the Taira managed to escape to sea for the most part. Only to be destroyed completed soon after at the naval Battle of Dan no Ura - but that is another story for another time.