Friday, September 2, 2011

Perry Samurai - WIP +2 (Sashimono)

Painted the sashimono for the foot samurai.
The designs are taken from the painted screen depicting the Siege of Osaka Castle. The basic patterns were first drawn/sketched with a pencil.
The simplest patterns were used to facilitate painting. There are a few really cool sashimono on the screen; for example there is one with a skull, and another with a hare. I might attempt those for the mounted samurai. I know a lot of folks paint the sashimono for a unit of samurai with the same mon, but I wanted the variety. Incidentally, the painting was commissioned by Kuroda Nagamasa, who participated in siege - and also happens to be my Army General. Here is an excerpt from a site about Osaka Castle - "When Kuroda Nagamasa was tasked with his part of the Summer Battle of Osaka, he engaged the services of a team of painters to document the scene. 5071 people are depicted in the screen, and 21 generals. Kuroda took the painters with him to the battle, thus the screen was painted from actual visual experience on site."


  1. Those look great! Almost enough to distract me from my current project and dig out my own half-painted (okay... mostly just primed) samurai...


    It's such a colourful period. I'll get back to it someday. For now I shall just enjoy it vicariously through your blog - keep 'em coming!

  2. Lovely work Dean, well done.


  3. Very nice dean looking forward to seeing these on the figures.

  4. Great work Dean. Looking really good.

  5. Thank you all for the nice comments. Hopefully have those banners on the samurai later today. Just need to add their spears first. Best, Dean

  6. Very nicely thought out and look just great too!!


  7. Great work on those. Looking forward to see the figures as well. Michael
