Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Copplestone - III. Seebatallione - Ready

Okay, only eight figures, but these paint up really quickly. A basic block paint job followed by Miniwax Tudor stain, and finally Testor's Dullcote. I am very impressed how the stain works it way into the folds and crevices, yet doesn't obscure small details - in this case the tricolor on the helmets. Also, Tudor stain seems to work very well with whites.
They'll be ready for this Saturday's The Great War game - need as many Germans as possible - seems everyone else wants British.


  1. Great result Dean - the stain works nicely - that appears exactly the right tone for the uniform.


  2. Thanks, Gents! I like to increase the size of this unit - as it they are really easy to paint up.

    Doc: The main color used was Krylon Khaki spray - a light dry-brush of Vallejo German Beige with a little white mixed in for highlights. I've seen other shades that look nice too - a more yellowish-orange - but figure with shade variations and fading, there's a wide-spectrum of choices.

    Best, Dean

  3. That's it, I'm getting some tudor stain!

    I have some Tiger miniatures Germans that I purchased for a "The Wind and The Lion" game, and now's the time to get 'em done!

  4. Thanks, Greg. I think you'll be happy with it. Make sure you get the Polyurethane Acrylic can - not the oil based type. In acrylic they have satin and gloss - I use the satin - then finish with Testor's Dullcote spray - after the stain is completely dry - usually overnight. Best, Dean
