Sunday, July 17, 2011

1st Corps Hypaspists - WIP

Won these, along with some 1st Corps Imitation Legionaries off of ebay recently. Figured I needed to beef up the Foundry Hypaspists unit anyway. These guys are really cleanly sculpted with nice details. Their lower legs, actually shod with greaves, are a bit chunky compared to Foundry, but match the overall style of the figures. So far, I've painted up most of the armor - still need to paint the leaders' greaves and helmet with silver.
I started with a white basecoat. The armored areas were given a dark wash. I find this works best when adding metallic colors. This also helps define the perturges.
Anyway, figured I'd post something before we head out for some sightseeing. My mom's visiting from Hawaii and we're going down to Mount St. Helens today.