Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Roman Seas Movement Bases Painted

I initially was thinking of using colored craft paper to cover the bases, but since I couldn't find the stash, I went ahead and used some blue spray paint that I had in the garage. This blue is a cheap can of "Royal Blue" from Walmart. The first few bases came out a nice colored blue, but didn't match the Blue Grey mat, nor the darker blue of the part with the oars.
I happened to notice the over spray on the black tray I used to hold the bases while painting appeared to have a fairly closer color match to the mat and the blue on the oar parts.  So, I undercoated the bases with flat black (again a cheap Walmart can), and then sprayed the blue over it. I didn't wait for the black to dry before applying the blue. In fact, the paint seeps into the card on contact and doesn't really pool. The coats weren't applied evenly - rather haphazardly, in fact - figuring the uneven coloring might better replicate the appearance of the ocean than an even solid-colored coat.
Here's the color match (or attempt) to the mat. The color matches the dark blue between the oars pretty good.
Hexeres mounted - Elmer's White Glue & rubber bands to hold them in place.
I plan add the interior panels, as well as touch up the white seams with paint.


  1. Your set up with painting the bases looks a lot like mine -- it is interesting to see. One problem I ran into with gluing the ships to the bases was that the glue did not adhere to the painted surface. In the end I simply scratched the paint away until card showed through. It looks messy, but once you paint on the white sea foam around the bow and oars, the tearing actually looks like 3D sea foam (some experimenting is recommended before trying this at home).

  2. Eric:

    Your instructions do say to scratch the paint, but I wanted to try it straight on. They all went on fine - maybe, the type of paint I used was different than yours? Anyway, I finished them all last night & will work on the sea foam next. I plan to use white craft paint mixed with watered-down white silicon sealant. Or, maybe thickened Gesso. I agree, once the foam is added, the bases will look more realistic. Regards, Dean

  3. Dean, you're amazing. A virtual gaming machine.

  4. Aw shucks - I'm just trying to catch up with you guys :)!
