Friday, October 13, 2023

Foundry SYW (F&IW) British Infantry "Hat Men"

These are the last of the Foundry figures from the recent order. They are pretty much the same as the British Grenadiers - with tricornes instead of mitres. Also, the Grenadiers have an extra ammo pouch on the front of their waist belt, while these don't. Again, units of 12-figures - mainly for Rebels and Patriots.

The ones with blue facings are the 1st Foot "Royal Scots", and the ones with buff/yellow facings could be one of many other units with these colors. The 1st Foot were the only ones besides the 60th Foot "Royal Americans" that wore blue facings in North America during the F&IW. The 60th's facings didn't have lacing though.
As with the earlier Grenadiers, only the blue facings were given highlights.
I have a few AW figures left to paint up, and will start on them after I host an afternoon WW1 Bolt Action game at a game day tomorrow at the Chehalis Veterans Memorial Museum. My buddy who's running the event asked if I could host a game in the afternoon period as there weren't many games scheduled. Hopefully it'll go off okay as I haven't play tested it nor played Bolt Action in a long time. No big worries though as I know most of everyone who'll be attending the event and most have played Bolt Action at least once or twice before. Until next time, wishing you all the best.


  1. More beautifully painted figures Dean, you are on a roll with your fine painting.


    1. Thanks for the kind words again, Willz. Warmest regards, Dean

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you very much again, Christopher! Kindest regards, Dean

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you very much, Richard! Best regards, Dean

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks a lot for the kind words again, Michal! Warmest regards, Dean

  5. Fantastic work on all these dean (and the figures shown in the previous several posts).
    I go on holiday (vacation) for a week, and you have had about 4 posts - its hard to keep up!

    1. Thanks, Keith! Hope you had a great time on your holiday. Best regards, Dean

  6. I am behind in responding to several of your posts on the cracking job you've done on this unit.
    Beautiful work, hope to see more of them soon.

    1. Thanks a lot, Joe! I'm also behind on visiting blogs too. Sometimes I end up focused on a painting project. Kindest regards, Dean
