Tuesday, October 17, 2023

AW Miniatures F&IW Skirmishers

These are from a pack each of British Light Infantry, French Coureur Des Bois, and Rangers - all AW Miniatures. These were added to the order from Noble Knight awhile back when I ordered a bunch of their French Infantry.

The following pictures show them integrated with earlier painted Redoubt and Front Rank figures.
AW figs mixed in with Redoubt - the second rank of 60th Foot are all Redoubt.
Rangers mixed with Front Rank.
Coureur de bois mixed with Front Rank. Except for the AW figures being a little taller, they mix in well enough since the Front Rank figures have a lot of bulk to them.
Size comparison, left to right: 1. Redoubt, 2. AW, 3. AW, 4. Front Rank, 5. AW, 6. Front Rank. They all have pretty much the same bulky kind of sculpting - although some of the AW Light Inf legs look a bit spindly. It's interesting to see that even within the same make (AW), the sculpting style and size varies a bit. Overall Front Rank - at least these Rangers and Coureur de Bois - are shorter than the rest, but their overall bulkiness makes them fit in okay.

Next up are Woodland Indians mostly from Galloping Major and a few from AW. I've never painted Native Americans before so it'll be an interesting project - within the larger F&IW project. Until next time, thanks again for checking out the blog, and hope you all are doing well.


  1. Super work and in large quantities! I am surprised that Front Rank figures are smaller than the other makes.

    1. Thanks a lot, Jonathan. I also was a bit surprised to see Front Rank was a bit smaller. Well, mostly shorter, as they do have similar bulk. Then again, it might be that AW and Redoubt are just that much bigger. Warmest regards, Dean

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks for the kind words again, Michal! Warmest regards, Dean

  3. They all look terrific. Quite the project.

    1. Thank you very much, Joe. Warm regards, Dean

  4. Nicely done Dean and given the skirmish game the size variations are fine in my view

    1. Thanks, Matt. Yes, I agree about the size differences being minimal for gaming. Best regards, Dean

  5. Brilliant work Dean. I didn’t realise AW figures were a similar size to Redoubt? Good to know.

    1. Thanks, Ray. AW sort of varies in size...all on the larger side of 28mm. Their French Infantry are particularly big. Kindest regards, Dean

  6. More fantastic 18th century goodness, wonderful and inspiring painting.


    1. Thank you very much again, Willz. I'm starting on Woodland Indiana; a first for me. Warmest regards, Dean

  7. Lovely looking collection you are assembling there, Dean! Those AW figures must be pretty big, because FR are quite bulky, but they look short in comparison - it goes without saying, Redoubt are bloody enormous! (lovely figures - but HUGE!)

    1. Thanks for the visit and great comment, Keith. Size seems to vary within makers. I ended up not using the Redoubt French Infantry as they were smaller than the Foundry ones I already had. I ended up trying AW, and their French Infantry are huge. Warm regards, Dean

  8. Replies
    1. Thank you very much, Richard! Warmest regards, Dean

  9. Lovely work and nice comparison shot, Redoubt are nice but big!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks, Iain. For skirmish, single based figures, I think the larger, more robust figures are best. Kindest regards, Dean
