Monday, December 26, 2011

Black Powder Skirmisher Basing

Plasticard bases with magnetic tops were cut into round bases for the pairing of skirmishers already singly-based on metal washers. This way they can still be used as single-based figures for Sharp Practice games. As they are paired, the British Rifles, along with attached Portuguese Cacadores, will be in two separate 12-man Small units.The French Voltigeurs will be part of mixed formations; their parent units one each Legere and Line battalions. Although mixed formation shooting values are limited to 1, they do receive a re-roll for missed shots being Sharp Shooters. Mixed formation units are also screened by the skirmishers so receive a -1 to hit as targets. They also get to use normal Closing Fire as a charge response since the skirmishers would return to their place in the line or attack column.
For a playtest game, I'm thinking of having three smaller brigades instead of two larger ones per side. Since the game will ultimately be hosted at a convention, this will allow for more players and, hopefully, faster playing with less troops per player to move around.


  1. Great stuff! Those bases should work out nicely.

  2. The bases, like the command stands, can be swapped out for use with Hail Caesar troops too. Best, Dean

  3. I like your bases, very versatile. I've not played any Black Powder yet but it's on my 2012 to do list (which seems to be growing rapidly!)

  4. The bases look great Dean. Nice work again.

  5. Thanks again, Gentlemen.

    Nate: I think you'll enjoy Black Powder. I'm anxiously awaiting the release of the Perfidious Albion supplement. Best, Dean

  6. Nice. I was wondering how to base figures for skirmishing using black powder.

  7. Another great idea Dean - a very neat and versatile way to set out your skirmishers.


  8. Round bases are an odd approach, but if your command bases are the same, then it will blend nicely.
