Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Shadows of Brimstone

My buddy invited me over to play a game of Shadows of Brimstone. He's part of a larger Tuesday night gaming group, and I've been over a few times for other rules, but this was the first time for me playing Shadows of Brimstone. The rest of the group has played it in the past, but not on consecutive gatherings. In fact, this was one of the few times I've played this kind of game - RPGish? Anyway, my buddy had me play a new character that hadn't been introduced before - a Wandering Samurai. I did enjoy playing it, although admittedly not fully versed with all of the mechanics. My buddy was the GM and played the various "bad guys", zombie-like Indians and Confederate soldiers who had been transformed into weird creatures. We finished the game entering a new portal and were advised the next place would be the Northland. Looking forward to playing it again.

I think I did well enough, survived with a few points and restored to full health. I did do some damage to one of the largest Confederate soldier turned creature with some decent dice rolling.

Again, this isn't the sort of gaming I'm used to, but happy to have been invited to partake.


  1. It looks interesting Dean and always nice to catch up with friends.

    1. Thank you, Michael. Yes, they've invited me to join their Tuesday night group years ago - even when I was still working down in Olympia (where most of them live). However, I'm more of a homebody and don't like going out at nights. Although I don't mind going to my buddy's place which is only about 15 minutes away. Kindest regards, Dean

  2. Looks nice. Is it some kind Lovecraft inspired game rules?

    1. Thanks, Volodya! Yes, I think so. Although, I'm not well-versed in this genre. Kindest regards, Dean

  3. A similar kind of look to that Zombicide I played a few games of at my mate Julians place 6-8 months ago - nice for a change of pace, Dean!

    1. Thanks a lot, Keith. Yes, it was a nice change of pace. I admit having the samurai character inspired me to get fully into the game. Lol! Warmest regards, Dean

    2. Fair enough too - I was assigned the two female characters in the Zombicide games, which had a similar effect :)

  4. Glad you enjoyed the game. Rolling high never hurts. We play a few of these games, the rpg ish slant is fun.

    1. Thank you very much, Joe. Yes, good die rolling makes any game more enjoyable! :) Kindest regards, Dean

  5. Replies
    1. Nice - yes, I also liked it too. First time for everything. Kind regards, Dean

  6. Sounds like a nice change of pace?
    Best Iain
