Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Battle of Ichi no Tani (Gempei War) - Tribal Set-Up

Initial set-up for a Gempei War Tribal game I'm hosting this Friday. Still thinking of how to break down wall sections, and also to start fires to wooden structures, including boats. I made the terrain (except for the hootches and large ship) a long time ago, and was used with WAB and Lion Rampant. It'll be interesting to see how the scenario plays out with Tribal. The basic scenario is the Minamoto forces attacking the seaside fortress of the Taira. The Taira are to either destroy the attacking Minamoto or to escape to sea on the boats. A "surprise" attack by Minamoto cavalry coming from the rear of the camp after descending a steep/sheer cliff.

The little sake cups are containers for the Honor tokens. The honor tokens are nicely made (and inexpensive) Asian (Chinese?) coins. They look and feel really good.
In addition to the warlords, there are several heroes on each side - including some with banners for the Rally Around the Flag rule. The allows units with 2 long card lengths away from it to never lose a round of combat.
The retainer units have either naginata for the long weapon rule or bows. The samurai units will have light armor and be classed as Elite Bowmen so that the will also have their preferred hand weapon - swords. Monks will be either Elite Bowmen with swords or a unit with long weapons (naginata or tetsubo).
I have 4 players showing up with two having experience with the rules - one having played in today's Tribal game day.
Below is a grainy screenshot from a TV miniseries on the Gempei War showing the Taira camp at Ichi no Tani. I sort of based the look of the terrain from this.
Well, enough for now. Looking forward to the game and will try to remember to take photos during game play. I should be able to as I'll be GMing and not playing myself.


  1. Table looks fab, Dean! Good luck in hosting Friday’s game.

    1. Thanks, Jonathan! It's great to be able to bring the terrain out after so many years. Last time was a playtest using Lion Rampant. Before that (over 10 years ago?) for a few WAB (modified) games. All ran well. Hopefully, just as good with Tribal. Kindest regards, Dean

  2. I have not tried the tribal rules. And am currently looking at "Here's the Ruckus" and "Force of Virtue" for some late medieval early renaissance gaming.
    and never thought of using Tribal, does it have mods for that location and era?

    1. Thanks a lot, Christopher. I only have the basic rules (2nd Ed), it has a small section on use of gun powder (F&IW scenario) - looks pretty adaptable for the periods you're interested in. Units are in groups of 5 figures and individual characters (warlord and heroes). Definitely small skirmish gaming. Kind regards, Dean

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you very much, Volodya! I'm glad the terrain has lasted all these years - I don't have the patience now to make stuff like this. :) Kindest regards, Dean

  4. Nice to see the figures out in preparation looking forward to the battle

    1. Thanks, Matt! Yes, I grouped them in units and have them in pretty equal strength for both sides. Attackers having a bit more than the defenders inside the camp. Warmest regards, Dean

  5. I love the look of this Dean, will be looking forward to seeing how it plays.

    1. Thanks, Michael! Yes, it should be good. Just need to figure out how a couple of things - mentioned above. Thankfully, a couple of the players are familiar with the rules already, and all are very experienced gamers. We should come up with some good ideas during and after the game. Warmest regards, Dean

  6. Excellent set up Dean, looks like a fun scenario.

    1. Thank you very much, Mike! Should play out nicely. Kind regards, Dean

  7. The set up is well thought out and appointed. Looking forward to your AAR.

    1. Thanks a lot, Joe! Luckily, I've used this same basic layout and scenario before (but many years ago and with different rules). Warmest regards, Dean

    2. We played tribal rules once and I am eager to see how the changes work. Have fun.

  8. The table and figures look extra impressive Dean - look forward to seeing how the game pans out!

    1. Thanks, Keith! Figured I'd get some decent pics in before the game - usually get too caught up in playing or GMing and fail to get enough. Warmest regards, Dean

  9. Excellent looking figures and terrain!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks again, Iain! Kindest regards, Dean

  10. Replies
    1. Thank you very much, Christopher! Kind regards, Dean
