Saturday, February 19, 2022

Old Glory ECW Artillery

These are the last major units/figures for the ECW project. All of these were part of the deal from my buddy last month - he actually threw these in for free. I stripped them of the old paint and repainted them - possibly a bit too colorful.

Speaking of stripping the paint - I found out that Simple Green simply doesn't work anymore. They must've changed or weakened the formula. I ended up using some wood finish striper that I had on hand - Citristrip. That worked great - but only on metals as it will soften/melt plastic if left on too long.
The figures aren't too bad - and have a lot of variety - but the cannon themselves are really nice, IMO. I like the raised sculpting on some of the gun barrels, as well as the nicely detailed wheels.
The gun carriages being pretty colorful, I tried to mute the clothing of the crews. They should look okay when spaced apart with foot regiments. From what I understand, guns weren't usually grouped together like in later periods - although they might've been during sieges and such. They were also usually brought up onto the battlefield and left there to be manhandled during the battle. That is, they weren't limbered up and moved around once the battle commenced. To reflect this in Pike and Shotte, heavy artillery are immovable; medium guns can be manhandled 3" per turn; and light guns can make up to two 6" moves per turn. Only two crew per gun as I only had 30 figures; which allowed the bases to be smaller overall to take up less space on the gaming table.
My first Pike & Shotte game is scheduled for this coming Friday - so, hope it goes well and will post an AAR with pictures afterwards. Thanks again for dropping by and wishing you all the best!


  1. Fifteen guns and crews is a generous free addition from your buddy Dean! They look pretty good to me and I look forward to reading about your first game soon!

    1. Thanks, Keith! Yes, more bells and whistles for the game. Kindest regards, Dean

  2. Big gun batallion! Pretty nice; is this set for two or more armies on the battlefield or just for a one though?

    1. Thank you much again, Vladimir. These are definitely for two opposing sides. Although they all don't have to be fielded at once. Warmest regards, Dean

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you very much, Michal! Kindest regards, Dean

  4. Most beautiful and impressive artillery!!

    1. Thank you very much, Phil! Warmest regards, Dean

  5. Awesome work Dean ! And for the colorfulness ... It can't be colorful enough ! But that's my opinion.

    1. Ha ha! Thanks so much, Mario. The blue is Vallejo Ultramarine Blue (for Space Marines!) :) I used it mainly because I have a full bottle and it covers very well in one coat. Kindest regards, Dean

  6. Love the artillery park. Good choice of colors on the carriages. You have some good ideas for the ability and use of the guns in the period. It is always nice to have extra guns...a choice of what to field, or useful in sieges....they should be useful soon eh?

    1. Thanks a lot, Joe. Yes, these along with the rest of the ECW project will finally see their first action this coming week. If all goes well, a siege or other scenario will also be in the works. Kindest regards, Dean

  7. Lovely looking array of artillery Dean!


    1. Thank you very much, Christopher! Warmest regards, Dean

  8. That's one heck of an artillery park, Dean. Re: raised detail, that seems to be a feature of a lot of OG sculpting - one reason I find they often "paint well". I like the rainbow approach - Covenanter guns were evidently painted with tar, so much more drab ;)

    1. Thanks, Markus! Yes, the colors do sort of brighten things up a bit. Warmest regards, Dean

  9. Great artillery, Dean, it turned out. Just, the servants aren't enough?

    1. Thanks, Alexey. Yes, I only had enough for 2 crew each. Maybe add more someday. Kindest regards, Dean

  10. Great looking set or ordinance there 👍.

    1. Thank you so much for the nice comment! Kindest regards, Dean

  11. Excellent work Dean. I have 4 ECW guns on my painting table at the moment. You provide a standard to aim for.

  12. Replies
    1. Thank you very much, Mike! Best regards, Dean

  13. That's a real lot of guns, especially for the ECW. I actually have a bunch of ECW guns and crew from Old Glory to paint up myself as well!

  14. Great looking guns,the one thing I lack, but I do have guns and a pack of old glory crew to paint up!
    Best Iain

  15. They are indeed colorful ... but any 'it's too colorful for me smile' an opponent might have will be wiped out when they all go off on them :)
