Sunday, February 20, 2022

ECW Pike & Shotte Muster Formation

Finished the main units for the ECW Pike & Shotte project, and with a game scheduled for this week figured they should be arrayed for a visual inventory. There are 16 pike and shot foot regiments, 11 troops of cavalry, 2 troops of dragoons, 3 units of commanded shot with firelocks and 19 cannon. Of these, 4 pike and shot units, 4 cavalry unit, the firelocks and several cannon were painted in 2020; the remainder were painted since the beginning of the year. Most of the command were also painted in 2020.

As I currently only have an 8x5' playing area max, it might get a little tight for maneuvering all of the units. I'll likely have to pick up another table to increase the area to either 12x5' or 10x6' - depending on how the tables are configured.
Took pictures of the figures from several angles as they probably won't be posed en masse like this again in the future.
The first game for these will be loosely based on Marston Moor - with King Charles being unhistorically present at the battle along with a unit of his Foot Guards and Horse.
In fact, as mentioned in earlier posts, many of these units weren't actually at this battle, but will be used in any case. This shouldn't pose much of an issue as many of the coat colors and unit standards are not fully documented or verified.
Plan to have the Parliamentarians get the first move, as they had at the actual battle, then it'll be all up for grabs. Also plan to have the Royalists have pretty much the same amount of units as the Parliamentarians - even though they were outnumbered historically.
Thanks again for visiting the blog and looking forward to getting these figures in their first battle - a post with pictures will follow.


  1. That's quite a mustering out there, Dean!

    16 Foote x 40 = 640
    11 Horse at 12 = 132

    Throw in the Dragoons, Firelocks, and command and that's well over 800 figures.,, abiout the size of my own collection, but my oldest units date back to the mid 1970's. An expansion is currently under way to add Scotts, though! :-)

    1. Thanks a lot for the compliment, Peter! I've really enjoyed painting this period. The minimal clothing details and simple weaponry made it a nice experience. Kindest regards, Dean

    2. Hi Peter, can I just respectfully mention that Scott is a surname...the nationality is Scot with only one T! 😊

  2. Dean! This is an amazing collection of ECW armies. Great to see your troops arrayed for a parade.

    1. Thank you very much, Jonathan! Appreciate the kind compliment. Warmest regards, Dean

  3. Fantastic ECW armies Dean, super impressive the time you painted them in!

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you so much again, Alexey! Regards, Dean

  5. That really is a significant collection Dean and as I have mentioned previously, Marston Moor is one of my favourite ECW battles, although I have never gamed it so far, so I am looking forward to seeing you do so!

    1. Thanks, Keith! Yes, from what little I know of the battle (videos and the Osprey book, mostly), there was a lot of action - both cav and foot - squeezed into a very short period of time. It'll be interesting to see how it plays out on the gaming table. Kindest regards, Dean

  6. Dean, that is a fantastic muster!

  7. Awesome looking force,they look great!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks a lot again, Iain! Your ECW work and gaming have been inspirational for this project. Warmest regards, Dean

  8. Nice work for an early year project. I can see why you need a bigger table.

    1. Thanks a lot, Dave! I just picked one of those Costco folding tables, so now have an 5 X 12' or 6 x 10' area with 4 tables. Kindest regards, Dean

  9. What a collection Dean! Great to see it all out on parade.

    1. Thank you so much, Oli! Looking forward to seeing how they perform in battle. Warmest regards, Dean

  10. That's an excellent collection and a great output rate you maintained.

    1. Thank you very much, Scrivs! I think it was a burst of energy coming out of the winter and being indoors most of the time. Kindest regards, Dean

  11. Replies
    1. Thank you very much, Aaron! Warmest regards, Dean

  12. Marvelous. For King and Crown!

    1. Thanks for the kind words, Neil. Warm regards, Dean

  13. Phoawr! That IS an impressive army Dean ... mightily impressive.
