Friday, October 28, 2016

A Fond Farewell and Apology of Sorts

A recent comment made by Aaron aka Prufrock made me realize that I hadn't posted anything on this blog for a few months. Although I haven't painted or gamed anything since the previous post, I believe it was rude for me not to have posted something about why this was. Particularly as I've always received such warm and thoughtful comments from all of you. Anyway, I want to state for the record that I am doing well, but have pursued other interests - namely collecting (and wearing) armor, and more recently playing the guitar. In fact, I've sold off almost half of the figures I had - all to local gamers and friends, so I'll likely see the figures again in the future. Here's a picture of my two current interests.
The two new hobbies - together for the photo, but not in practice.
Again, I wish to apologize for pretty much "disappearing" from the blogosphere without an explanation. Maybe someday I'll get back in the "mood" for painting/gaming, until then I wish you all the best and thank you for the encouragement and interest in the past. Dean


  1. Dean sometimes you just need a break to pursue other interests. All the best with you collecting and guitars. Nice strats by the way, I'm quite keen on guitar myself and have six at last count, plus various ukes, a banjo and a mandolin!

    1. Thanks, Mike! You're quite the axeman, I see. And full disclosure, only one of them is a Strat - a Squire at that. The one with the white pickguard is actually a Strat-clone - a Crate I bought a long time ago, but sounds pretty good - at least for me :) Best regards, Dean

  2. Thank you very much, Loki! Warm regards, Dean

  3. What a lucky break for all the fellows who bought up your figures! You're doing the things you love & that's all that matters. I can hardly say anything when I'd down to just a post a month. ;-)

    1. Thank you so much, Monty. Always great to hear from you. Warm regards, Dean

  4. oh wow! about being blind sided!..loved your painted miniature works and other detail info postings Dean. Hope to see/read more blog postings next year. wish you/your family all the best,... miss you already! :o(


    1. Thank you kindly, Phil! I hope we can meet up someday at Enfilade maybe. Best, Dean

  5. No worries, my friend - a guitar playing knight is pretty damn cool

    All the best to you and your family

    1. Thank you kindly, Miles. Bestto you and yours too, Dean

  6. No problem sir...Beutiful guitars, and armor!

    1. Appreciate your nice comment and ones from past days, Phil! Best to you, Dean

  7. I have to say that picture put a smile on my face.
    Thank you and always enjoy what you do.

  8. Lovely to hear from you Dean and you must do whatever makes you happy, especially if that is being a guitar playing knight, which come to think about it would make me happy too!

    1. Good to hear from you too, Michael. Always impressed with your creativeness - I hope to drop by all of your blogs when I can too. Warm regards, Dean

  9. Look after yourself old boy and good luck!

    1. Thank you very much, Fran! I will always enjoy your posts. Warm regards, Dean

  10. The blogeshere will miss you Dean. Have fun with your new projects and hopefully we'll see you again soon.

    1. Thanks, Ray. I loved your post - along with the rest of the "Rejects". I hope to host a game or two in the future and post it here. Warmest regards, Dean

  11. Replies
    1. Thank you as always, Rodger! Hope to be back someday soon. Best, Dean

  12. Despite being sorry at the thought of you trundling off (at the least for the time being) it's good to hear you are going to do what makes you happy. Look after yourself mate!

    1. Thanks a lot, Millsy. I'm thinking after a little while, I should be back hosting games and posting them here again. Warm regards, Dean

  13. No worries dude enjoy your guitaring and Samurai armour wearing.

    1. Thank you kindly, Simon. Always enjoyed visiting your blog - great projects always. Warm regards, Dean

  14. Nice to see and read You again!
    best wishes!

    1. Thank you, Michal! I hope to see more of your samurai/ronin projects posted on the Feudal Samurai FB too. Best, Dean

    2. I have to finish mongol warband to Ronin:)

  15. Giving wargaming a rest to play guitar and don suits of armour? Sounds like a fair trade to me!

    Have always enjoyed your blog, so hope you'll do the odd post about how the armour is coming along, even if you don't get back into gaming and painting.

    Cheers, and all the best to you and yours,

    1. Aaron, first off, I want to thank you for your post on the previous post here - it really got me thinking off all the great folks I've come to know via this blog. Secondly, I will take your advice on posting the odd post now and then too. Warm Regards, Dean

  16. Dean, I'm a massive fan of your blog and have enjoyment stopping by, checking things out and chatting over the years. We've all got to do what makes us happy and keeps us interested/challenged. I'm glad that you are happy and alls well mate. All the best!

    1. Thank you, Nate. I also enjoyed visiting your blog and chats. I hope to post some gaming stuff in the future - maybe now that I've culled my collection to what interests me most, I can get a few games on again. Warmest regards, Dean

  17. Dean,

    love the armour as said here previously armour wearing guitar player looks really cool.

    Best wishes to you and yours


    1. Thank you very much for your kind words, as always, Willie. Hope o post some gaming posts here in the future. Best regards, Dean

  18. Dean, you are giving Heavy Metal a new look! Really enjoyed your blog over the years. One day, perhaps, we could face each other across the gaming table?

    Take care, my friend!

    1. Great to hear from you, Jonathan. Yes, we are really not too far away - especially with your frequent trips over this way. I was remiss to not have hooked up with you in past visits. Yes, I'm sure I'll be dusting off my figures for gaming again someday. Warm Regards, Dean

  19. Dean as long as you enjoy enjoy your hobby time, that's what counts...

    1. Very nice to hear from you, Stu. Best, Dean

  20. Good luck with your new hobbies Dean and hope to see you again back in the miniatures game.


    1. Thank you, Christopher. I probably will get a game or two in soon. However, I don't think I'll be painting much if at all. It's not that I don't like painting, but I am trying to downsize the collection. Warm regards, Dean

  21. Dean, thanks for the many great posts on miniature wargaming, and for your readership on my blog. I wish you all the best of luck in your pursuit of this new (and very cool) hobby!

    1. Thanks, Soren. Appreciate your kind words as always. I am sure I will be hosting a game or two in the future. Best regards to you, Dean

    2. Thanks, Soren. Appreciate your kind words as always. I am sure I will be hosting a game or two in the future. Best regards to you, Dean

  22. Dean, there's no need to apologise - we all have lives outside wargaming, and your other extracurricular activities look like a lot of fun!

    I dare say we'll still see you around the blogs from time to time!

    1. Thank you kindly, Ev! Yes, I hope to drop in every now and then. Warmest regards, Dean

  23. Its all about enjoying your free time. Enjoy...

    1. Thank you kindly, my friend. Warm regards, Dean

  24. Dean, good luck with the new pursuits. Hopefully we will still see you at Enfilade and other NHMGS events (you can always play even if you aren't painting).

    1. Thanks, Dave. I planning on hosting a game or two at Enfilade. Regards, Dean

  25. Dean noooooo!!! Don't do it!!! ...............

    Seriously I've really enjoyed your adventures from painting to collecting armor. I even learned a few things. Thanks for sharing, and like Aaron says you can always post your latest armor collection, and I play guitar (not well) so would love to hear about that as well. If the mood doesn't strike you well that's okay too.

    Cheers and good luck if we don't see you in future.

    1. Thank you very much, Kevin. I am only starting to play, but I really enjoy it. I'm sure I will be hosting games in the future and posting again. Warm regards, Dean

  26. All the best, Dean! Apologies for not posting sooner than this - just been moving house...

    1. Thanks for dropping by, Paul. No apologies needed. Your SOA post was quite impressive too. Regards, Dean

  27. Hi Dean, Don't stay away too long - I always enjoy your blog write ups - whether about wargaming, modelling or armour or whatever. Nothing wrong with easing back on posts while you focus on other things. I had hoped to post more this year but that just hasn't happened.

    I admire anyone who can play 6 strings - I struggle with the four on my ukulele but I think its my singing which scares most people! :-D

    Do keep us updated when you get time to.

    With best wishes as always,


    1. Hey, Jason. Thank you very much for your encouraging words. I hope to post stuff now and again. Funny you mention singing, as I have overcome my shock at hearing my own voice. Warm regards, Dean

  28. Stunning armor.
    Light is a valuable, self-made and tested,
    on the other hand, I am samurai fan and I like that color ..
    Everything gets bored sometimes, a person needs more than a blog post
    eg. music and playing is a very good hobby, also singing
    Best wishes to you and yours

    1. Thank you kindly, MM. I know the color of the armor is unique and black with blue lacing is far more common and also very nice, I figured why not go for the crimson. Warmest regards, Dean

  29. Hi there Dean! :D
    Have lots of fun with your new hobbies! More than hoping, I know you will go back to painting - you´re too good not to!!! :D Cheers my friend and best wishes!!

    1. Thank you so much RM! Love hearing from you my friend. Warm regards, Dean

  30. Let me know when you take up Racing Go-Karts! Shawn

    1. I has a friend in Hawaii who used to race go-carts as a kid. He won all kinds of trophies, and would even race in Hong Kong. Me, I was more a surfer, and couldn't get into the noisy sounds. Lol! Thanks for the kind words, Dean

    2. They make ear plugs for that! :)

  31. Aloha Dean! Nothing pukapule about getting off the blog for a while - I'm guilty of that myself. Other things in life do tend to take over (as they should). Very impressed with your armour buddy - that samurai outfit is particularly fetching! Thanks for all the great posts and your warm comments including on my blog. One request - don't give up the painting mate as you have a rare talent. All the best.

    1. Mahalo for the kind words, Doc. I hope to someday host a game or two, as well as slop on some paint on some figures in the future. Warmest Aloha, Dean

  32. I look forward to an Enfilade post.

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