Sunday, August 18, 2013

WH 40K Space Marines - WIP

Well, never say is my very first attempt at Warhammer 40K - a unit of Space Marines - not even sure what type, although I picked up a Space Marine codex (I think that's what its called) from a store that was, unfortunately for the owner, going out of business and selling remaining stock at 50 percent off. I feel for the guy, but figured I was helping him out by buying something. The Space Marines themselves were an ebay purchase that was too good to pass up. The Captain is also another ebay purchase - again for a fraction of the cost new.  Anyway here there they are painted with the basic uniform colors of light blue and orange.
The colors are based on the old Porsche 917 Gulf Racing colors - the one used in the movie Le Mans with Steve McQueen.
I suppose the fluff would be the Chapter originating on the planet Le Mans with the original Chapter Master being one Stevonius McQueenus.

For the record, I tried using the Drakenhof Nightshade Citadel Shade (wash) over a white undercoat, thinking I could easily get a nice light blue finish. It didn't quite work out - the wash made some areas a dark blue, almost black. So I went ahead and gave the figures a dry-brush of light blue. This was my first use of Citadel paint of any type and don't see any real advantage over Vallejo, which is what I've used for several years now.


  1. Oh yeah! Looking good! I like the colour choice - that hot/cold contrast. Can't wait to see them finished!

  2. Thanks a lot for the comments and encouraging words, Gentlemen. Looking forward to learning more about these guys as I paint along. Best, Dean

  3. A great start Dean - every year it seems that GW models get bigger and bigger (like the prices). If you can keep it under control, I wouldn't mind what you think about the rules and the actual game mechanic. Good luck with finishing these fellows!

  4. They look like some Dark Angel plastics, lovely colour and effect so far Dean!

  5. They look fun Dean, I always harboured a secret yearning to have a go at some of these too.

  6. Nice look i'm looking forward

  7. Nice shade of blue on those Dean! It will be interesting to see your final result.


  8. Great work Dean, although with all this WFB and W40K posting of late, we are going to have to have a name change from WAB Corner :)

  9. Thanks so much for all of the great comments - looks like I'm on track.

    Fran - you are correct, now that I recall the listing on ebay - they are Dark Angels.

    Warm regards to all. Dean

  10. Cool scheme so far, Look forward to seeing them finished and what background you can come up with your new chapter

  11. Thanks, Simon. These guys are likely to be much like their founding Chapter Master - few of words, with actions speaking for them. Quite Professionals. :) Best, dean

  12. what a great idea for the colours - good paint job and what a film.

  13. I love both your source of inspiration and the results! I've never played WH 40K so I'm curious to hear your opinion when you do play.

  14. Monty:

    I will certainly post a report once I get a 40K game in. That said, I'll still need a few more units. Probably an Elite unit and a Heavy Support - although I may see about getting some Fast Attack stuff. Still learning the very basics. Best, Dean

  15. This brings back memories, played the 1st edition of 40k back in the eighties with the original plastic space marines & scratch built vehicles. Good times.
    Regards HGA.

  16. Looking good thus far. What a great inspiration too!

    Thanks for the guilt trip / kick in the backside on my current project these have provided as well...
