Thursday, September 12, 2024

I'm Back - Sort Of

Just making a quick post to let you know where I've been the last few weeks. I know my last post said I was about to host an Imjin War game, but was side-tracked soon after the post. The week after that last post I went into the ER with severe stomach pain. After an agonizing wait in the ER for several hours, it was determined my gallbladder needed to be removed. The surgery was not until the next afternoon. Soon after they started what they had hoped to be a normal 1 hour procedure turned into a 3 hour-plus surgery. Seems my gallbladder had hardened to the point they needed to do a 6" lateral incision on my stomach to properly get the offending organ out. It had also attached to my liver so they had to leave part of it there so as not to damage the liver. Good news is my liver is in great condition! Well, here I am going on 3 weeks after the surgery and feeling very good, but the healing will take a few more weeks - a few months for full recovery. I do plan to stop by our annual game day at Fort Steilacoom next Saturday. In the meantime, picked up a North Star Ming Buntai pack, as I wanted to do a commad stand for the Ming contingent.
Until next time, wishing you all the best - and apologies for not checking out your blogs these past few weeks.


  1. Hope you are feeling better after all that Dean!
    Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

    1. Thank you very much for your kind words, Neil. I am indeed doing well. Kindest regards, Dean

  2. Glad to see that you pulled through in good condition and good spirits. Had you planned hosting a game at Steilacoom? Take care of yourself!

    1. Thanks, Jonathan! Yes, I had hoped to host the Imjin War game, but alas couldn't play test it, nor am I up to running a game just yet. Warmest regards, Dean

  3. Best wishes for a speedy recovery Dean, take it easy!

    1. Thanks a lot for the kind words, Mike! Yes, definitely taking it slow and easy. Warm regards, Dean

  4. Great to see news from you!
    Wish you a lot of health!

    1. Thank you very much, Michal! Getting better every day. Kindest regards, Dean

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you very much for your kind words! Warmest regards, Dean

  6. You need to continue to mend, no apologies for being quiet. You can use the opportunity to plot out your next few games and any other activities on the hobby should be for your diversion only.
    Rapid and full recovery is wished upon you.

    1. Thanks for your kind words, Joe! Much appreciated. I am indeed thinking of games for the near future, namely Samurai Rebellion stuff. Warm regards, Dean

  7. Frightening development: glad to hear you're on the other side of it. My first wife had her gall bladder taken out and I recall what an ordeal that was, and she didn't have any complications. Hope your recovery continues and that you're back to 100 percent on schedule.

    1. Thank you very much, Ed! Appreciate your well wishes and thoughts. Kindest regards, Dean

  8. Glad to hear this new, Dean! Hope you will recover soon!

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words, Volodya! Love the Cossacks vs. Samurai game you just played too!

  9. Glad to hear that you are on the road to recovery Dean.

    1. Thanks a lot, Richard. Yes, I'm doing well. Kindest regards, Dean

  10. Oof, that beats my gallbladder experience by quite a bit! (had a pre-planed removal but as I had a single 25mm stone, got a bonus incision)

    Hope you continue to improve, and have no side effects.

    1. Thanks for the kind words and sentiment! I'm recovering well - the cuts are all healing nicely. The staple holes next to the long incision will make a nice story if I'm ever at the beach back in Hawaii. Warmest regards, Dean

  11. Sorry to read you have been in the wars, Dean , but sounds like everything went well and you are on the road back to rude health!

    1. Thanks, Keith! Yes, it was totally unexpected, but glad it's out and on the road to full recovery. Seems the old gallbladder hadn't been functioning properly for sometime (years?), so better off without it. Kindest regards, Dean

  12. Really pleased to hear that, despite the shock and extended surgery needed, you are well and truly on the mend. All the best for your complete recovery.
    Regards, James

    1. Thanks a lot for your kind words, James! Feeling and healing well. Warmest regards, Dean

  13. Oh dear Dean a bit of a shocker….hope the recovery continues and back to normal activities soon.🙂

    1. Thank you very much, Matt! Yes, it was my first (and hopefully only) real surgery I've ever had. Glad to have it gone so well. Warmest regards, Dean

  14. OMG! Thank god it didn't burst on you after all that waiting.

    Super glad to hear your okay and on the mend. I look forward to reading your posts in future. In the meantime rest up and get better sir.


    1. Thanks, Kevin! Yes, I was ready to leave the ER since I thought the doc would just see me for 5 minutes a tell me to go home and take Pepto Bismol. That's when the nurse started giving me test - first and EKG (not sure why), then a CT scan, and finally an extensive ultrasound. Warmest regards, Dean
