Monday, August 12, 2024

Revisiting An Old 120mm Verlinden Leib Hussar

The figure painted, for the most part, was painted years ago. It was bought off of ebay for very cheap - because it was missing it's right hand (holding a sabre), as well as the scabbard, and sabretache. Just picked up another cheap ($10) ebay plastic kit in 1/16th scale - approx. 120mm. Using the new kit's right hand and sabre, and scabbard. Fashioned a sabretache from plastic card. Used another old Verlinden figures (Chasseur a Cheval) as a guide for the sabretache.

Used copper wire for the bottom ring on the scabbard. Kind of got too much glue on the scabbard - will need to sand it down later.
Not doing any other painting, but will be hosting an Imjin War game later this month. Also, spending a little time with my youngest son who's visiting to attend a friend's wedding here. He's a recently (about 6 months ago) promoted captain in the Army. He just finished his Captain's course a few weeks ago, and will be assigned to the 1st Armored Div at Fort Bliss next month. He was previously with the 1st Cavalry Div at Fort Cavasos (formerly Fort Hood). Otherwise all is well, and hope the same to you all.


  1. Good progress on an old kit. Congratulations on your son’s promotion!

    1. Thanks a lot for the kind words, Jonathan! Warm regards, Dean

  2. Nice work on all the Silver lace, Dean.

    1. Thanks a lot, Ray! I painted them many years ago - when my eyesight was better, and my hands steadier; not to mention longer patience! :) Kind regards, Dean

  3. Nice to see a big kit get the attention.

    1. Thanks, Joe! I was hiding him in the back of the display cabinet so his missing hand wasn't seen :) Best regards, Dean

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you very much, Matt! Kindest regards, Dean

  5. Always fancied those Verlinden figures but never had any! Why the name change at "formerly Fort Hood"? Couldn't be some PC stuff about him killing off large numbers of the indigenous population of the West??

    1. Thanks a lot, Keith. I bought those years ago (decades?), when they were very affordable - around $25 each. They're now very expensive. As far as the name changes, yes, definitely due to PC - the ones changed had CSA generals' names. Interestingly, Bliss was a math professor at West Point, and LTC on the Union side during the ACW. So far, I don't think any name changes due to the Indian Wars. Kindest regards, Dean

  6. Nice work on your large figure, congratulations on your sons promotion!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks a lot, Iain! Yes, quite proud of him - his older brother is a 1LT in the WA Air Guard (full time position) - he had been a E-6 before going to AF OCS a couple years ago. They're both in Cyber branch - something I know nothing about as it wasn't even around when I was in. Warmest regards, Dean

  7. Great work on the figure Dean! Giving old figures a new lease of life is always a big satisfaction. The sabretache is also coming along fine. Congrats to your son on his promotion.

    1. Thanks a lot for the kind words and encouragement, Mike. I plan to have the sabretache painted as on campaign - plain black cover. Thanks for the congrats to the young one too! Warmest regards, Dean
