Sunday, June 30, 2024

Tribal - Bronze Age - Hosted By "I Live With Cats"

Had another great Tribal game experience yesterday. It was hosted by David Sullivan of "I Live With Cats" blog. It was initially a 4-player game, but several others wanted in, and we were lucky to have one of the players bring his collection so there were enough figures. The 40mm figures Bronze Age are from Monolith Designs. In fact, the ones on the round bases are from the collection of the late Jim Bowen, who designed and sculpted the range.

This was my third time playing the rules, and also have the rule book, so was pretty comfortable with the rules. Only thing, I didn't focus on collecting Glory points and played it like a normal game. I ended up losing all of my Glory points and my warband being destroyed. I still had a Hero with all of his armor wounds intact, but alas no Glory, no more gaming.
It's a great set of rules for this kind of game, and it was nice to see it worked for so many players. In fact, instead of devolving into the usual separate duels between two players, we were fighting against varied players whoever came into range or combat. My warlord eneded up being killed after multiple attacks from units from two opposing players. A third opposing player used his missile troops against some of my units too.
My Warlord and Warrior unit on horseback did well in multiple rounds of combat, in large part to having a Hero with war banner in proximity to use his Rally Around the Flag. This ability has friendly units never losing combat and the enemy also having to retreat.
For a more detailed report and pictures of the game, please visit David's "I Live With Cats" blog.
I should be hosting my own Tribal game with early Samurai soon. Just want to finish up a few more figures. Until next time, thanks for stopping by and wishing you all the best.


  1. 40mm? the Bronze age? Wow - very surprising! So will you use the same rules for your Gempei samurai warfare?

    1. Yes, I plan to try it out with my 28mm samurai figs. Should work well as the Gempei period had smaller forces, and more "heroic" style warfare. Actually, the rules should work well for many periods with small scale actions. I might even try Battle of Bushy Run (F&IW) with it. Kindest regards, Dean

    2. Sounds pretty interesting, Dean. Thank you for your recommendation, I will check it out!

    3. I like the rules since the units sizes are only 5 figures each; and then you can add a single hero or warlord as individual units. The game in this post had the warlord in chariots with up to 6 wounds.

  2. David posted pictures on the Tribal Facebook page. I have to say it was pretty cool looking with 40mm. Looks like everyone had fun, it’s a great set of rules for fun play.


    1. Ah, didn't even know about the FB page - I'm kinda behind the times. Yes, it was pretty cool - only thing I got my warband killed off (loss of Honour) before everyone else. Although by that time, my fellow warlords were down to a few figures in their units and only a few Honour tokens themselves. Kindest regards, Dean

  3. Sounds like a lot of fun Dean. I have the rules and 28mm Bronze Age Europeans, will have to give them a try.

    1. It was indeed a great game, Mike. I think the rules works well with many periods with small scale actions. One thing that the local Tribal players (like the GM in this game) have "house-ruled" is limiting range for shooters to 17" - I think that's 3 or 4 card lengths. It's mainly because they play on tables greater than the 3'x3' which allow for shooting the entire board if there is LOS. Pre-cut to length wooden dowels were used for this, and seemed to work well. Warm regards, Dean

  4. Looks like a fun skirmish level game with some nice, nuanced rules Dean - and the figures look lovely too - can't wait to see you host this, using your outstanding samurai!
    Talking of which, you might be interested in our mass samurai brawl on Sun 30 June, see here
    and here

    1. Thanks a lot for the kind words, and reminder of the Imjin War game, Keith. I just checked out Mark's blog and it looked amazing. BTW, I've used his blog before for RJW flags not so long ago too :) Best, Dean

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks, Michal! Yes, those 40mm figs are very impressive and very well designed/sculpted.
