Thursday, May 9, 2024

Samurai Castle/Wajo Walls And Gate

Finished up the project today. The fit and finish of the stone walls aren't the best, but should be good enough for gaming.

The top walls and gate are resin pieces from Tabletop Terrain. Very nice and sturdy. The gate can swing open on brass rods inserted into holes provided in the door and frame.
The corner sections were made by using the ready-made end pieces and adding sections from extra straight wall sections. This was only done because I used my own scratch-built lower stone walls. Tabletop Terrain makes the lower walls which would fit the corner sections they also make. Figured I'd try to save some money and make them myself.
Glad to have finished this up - especially since I just received an update from TAG that my order has been shipped. It was delayed a few weeks due to issues with their machinery - according to Pete.
As you may notice, the inner walls don't align well with each other very well, but again, should be good enough to game with.
A WIP shot.
Thanks for checking out this blog update, and hope you all are doing well.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you very much! Really appreciate the kind words. Warmest regards, Dean

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, Michal! Appreciate the nice words. Best regards, Dean

  3. Outstanding work, Dean! Will this be used in an Enfilade! game?

    1. Thanks, Jonathan. Not this year's con, but possible in the future - or a local game day. Kindest regards, Dean

  4. The fortification looks great Dean...looking forward to seeing it in action on the gaming table soon!

    1. Thanks, Keith! Yes, will be setting it up in the near future. Still deciding on a rule set for a mini siege/relief force game. Best regards, Dean

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you very much for the high compliment, Richard! Much appreciated. Best regards, Dean

  6. Looks the real deal Dean. Great job!

    1. Thanks for the kind words, Mike! Warmest regards, Dean

  7. Great stuff Dean, they really do look the part.
