Thursday, January 4, 2024

Old Glory WW1 French 75mm and German 77mm Field Guns

These are the first projects for the new year. They were added to the Noble Knight Games order along with the Old Glory Japanese infantry. Needed to up the order to the free shipping amount, and also wanted to add some artillery to the French and German WW1 forces.

Although not an expert on artillery, by any means, these guns - as wells as the earlier "Mexican" gun from Old Glory look very nice. Well-detailed and they go together very nicely. 
These two guns each came with 6-figure crews. The figures are also nicely detailed and posed - a couple of duplicates, but with heads turning different directions (as per usual for Old Glory).
The guns and crew are on oval bases picked up several years ago from a craft store - they're about 115x80mm.
Also painted up these terrain pieces which were part of the Noble Knight order. From the website, I thought the QF trench pieces were 28mm, but the look more like 15mm or 20mm. The Warlord Games gabion gun emplacement was listed as 28mm on the website, but it also looks like 15mm or 20mm. I'll probably give them to someone as the only 15mm figures I have are for a "Pre-Samurai" DBA army - and only gamed once a long time ago.
Don't have anything in the paint queue at the moment, and will be visiting family in Hawaii, including my 92 year old mom, in about a week, so probably will await my return before doing any painting or gaming. Otherwise, the holidays passed uneventfully - which is how I like it. Hope you all are doing well in the new year, and thanks for stopping by the blog.


  1. Great looking models! Is it cost effective to order Old Glory figures from Noble Knight rather from Old Glory directly?

    Enjoy your time in Hawaii. I am quite envious.

    1. Thanks, Jonathan. Noble Knight has free shipping (USA) for $150 orders. Although they don't carry all Old Glory figures, they put some on sale from time to time. The Japanese figures were about $17 a bag, so those were significantly cheaper than Old Glory. They usually list them for about the same price though. Also, Noble Knight carries other makers too. I ordered most of the F&IW AW figures from them previously. Best regards, Dean

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you very much, Michal! Appeciate your visits and kind words. Best, Dean

  3. Great looking iron! Terrain such as gabion based models are difficult to find when you need them. I miss the Acheson and Hovels ranges.

    1. Thanks for the kind words, Joe! Yes, I need to pick up some more terrain - in the correct scale. Warmest regards, Dean

  4. Great looking artillery, Dean! I have purchased a few bits n pieces from Noble Knight and get all their email updates - they are quite a good supplier, although unfortunately no free shipping to NZ!

    1. Thanks, Keith! Yes, fortunate to have a distributor in my own country. Shipping to NZ has to be expensive - I recall ordering stuff as a kid growing up in Hawaii - and thinking folks on the "mainland" had it made :) Best regards, Dean

  5. Brilliant work Dean. Love the camo on the German gun.

    1. Thanks, Richard! Yes, I had to have that one in camo - just has that WW1 look about it. Kindest regards, Dean

  6. Those are some great looking guns Dean!


    1. Thanks a lot, Christopher! Warmest regards, Dean

  7. Those guns look awesome. Great brushwork.

    1. Thank you very much, John! Kindest regards, Dean

  8. Incredible details on show in your superb paint job DeanM ... wonderful work :)

    1. Thank you very much, Kuan! Best regards, Dean

  9. Replies
    1. Thanks for the kind words again, Matt. Best regards, Dean

  10. Nice big guns, and always go for the free shipping! :-)

    1. Thanks a lot, Peter. Yes, too many times in the past, I tried to be frugal and make smaller orders (and paying shipping) only to order more stuff soon after. Now I try to order more items initially for the free or discounted shipping when I can. Kindest regards, Dean

  11. Great looking artillery, got to love the ww1 German camo!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you very much, Iain. WW1 camo really is interesting and eye-catching. Warmest regards, Dean

  12. Now this is the kind of thing that I miss when I don't follow my favourite blogs for ages and ages! Hello Dean! I must say that you have been busy. These artillery pieces are outstanding. I love your painting on them and the colours. They look ready to do great service on the table! Best wishes, Jason

  13. I really like the multi-coloured artillery. Really nice
