Sunday, December 3, 2023

Old Glory RJW Russian Infantry

These are actually from their Boxer Rising/Rebellion range, but the uniforms are pretty much the same. In fact, the main reaason I wanted these Old Glory figures was to match the Meiji IJA figures also from the same range.

These are from two bags of infanry with 30 figures each (although I think there are a couple of extras). Half have their tunics painted in Vallejo Bone White (the two units on the left), and the other half have tunics painted with Vallejo Off White (the two units on the right). The lighter shade of Off White looks a bit more striking, but the tunics were supposedly dyed earthy/khaki colors on campaign.
The flags were downloaded and printed from fellow gamer Mark Strachan's "1866 And All That" blog: 
Awaiting a copy of "The Men Who Would Be Kings" to see how these troops will be classed.
Next up are a bag each of Old Glory Russian Cossacks (although not wearing fur caps) and Artillery (still needing guns). Thanks for stopping by and wishing you the best this holiday seasons.


  1. Your Russians look great, Dean! This is a period that has tempted me more than once.

    1. Thank you very much, Jonathan. I think a lot of interest in the RJW focuses on the naval aspect, Tsushima in particular. I also think skirmish land engagements are a one off. Kindest regards, Dean

  2. Always enjoy looking at your fabulous paintwork Dean.

    1. Thank you very much for your kind words again, Richard. Really appreciate it. Warmest regards, Dean

  3. Fabulous job on the Russians. 1900 and 1905 games will be a lot of fun.

    1. Thanks a lot, Joe. Yes, looking forward to getting some games in soon. Kindest regards,Dean

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you so much, Michal. Kindest regards, Dean

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you very much for your kind words, Christopher! Warmest regards, Dean

  6. Very nice Dean…not sure where you got the time to paint so many figures so quickly 👍

    1. Thank you very much, Matt. I think the simple uniform and basic poses common to Old Glory figures, made them a quick project. The more I've painted 25/28mm figs, the more I've come to appreciate Old Glory's more robust sculpting. They really seem to be great to get figures onto the table quickly - and still look the part; albeit without the delicate details on others. Warmest regards, Dean

  7. Great work on the Russian Infantry, and on so many of them too :)

    1. Thank you very much again, Kuan! Warmest regards, Dean

  8. They look great Dean - I was interested to see what this OG range was like - and seems to be one of the good 'uns!

    1. Thanks a lot, Keith. I think they have a nice balance between sculpting style and sturdiness, the latter particularly for handling of single figures in skirmish games. Kind regards, Dean

  9. Good looking figures, painted up to your usual high standard! It's a fascinating period which I am tempted by but will enjoy watching your force develop!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you very much again, Iain. Yes, this is a period I started years ago with a handful of figures, and recently revisited with reinforcements, and new rules (for me anyway). Kindest regards, Dean
