Had another great SAGA game day today. Several of the usual players couldn't make it due to some kind of huge traffic snarl on I-5 northbound to Tacoma. I live only about 15 minutes away using backroads so luckily avoided this. For those of us who were fortunate enough to show up there was a 3-way Picts game, while I pitted my Italiotes against Jomsvikings. The group I game with are very accomodating and have no issue playing out of period. I'm still learing the game and my Battle Board as well, but left feeling very good with my current warband composition. The Italiote warband consists of an 8-figure Hearthguard Phalanx unit, two Warrior units with javelins, and a Merc unit each of Tarantine Cavalry and Cretan Archers. The 8-figure Phalanx unit was able to destroy an enemy Warrior unit, and the javelin and bow fire whittled down several other Jomsviking units. We called our game after Turn 4 with my warband still having 4 out of 6 SAGA dice (only two figures left in my Phalanx Hearthguard unit), while the Jomsviking were down to 3 out of 7 of their starting SAGA dice. I really liked how the Cretans have a free activation to shoot at the start of each turn, and also get 2 bonus attack dice and +1 bonus to hit in their first shooting activation. If an enemy unit at medium distance (6") away activates to move or attack, the Tarantine Cavalry gets a free move prior to the enemy unit completing its activation. Against the Jomsvikings which had no missile troops, this kept them at bay the whole time. Granted the Jomsvikings have some special ability with the proper SAGA dice to lob 3 missiles onto any unit on the table - regardless of distance or line of sight. I was fortunate the the two times my opponent was able to attempt this, it only caused minimal casaulties. Plan to keep using this Italiote warband as is, but hope to have the Late Roman warband ready by the next time we meet for our twice-a-month SAGA game day in a couple of weeks. Here are some pics of the two games (note my opponent's warband was still in bare nekkid metal).
The Italiote warband, left to right: Warriors with Javelins, Phalanx, Warlord, Warriors with Javelins, Cretan Archers, and Tarantine Cavalry. |
Italiotes facing the Jomsvikings clothed in steel (or lead). For the record, I don't really care for the 2D terrain some of my buddies are using for SAGA since I find it remember what each represents. |
Hearthguard Phalanx unit in the center of the warband with the Warlord behind them. They did well enough to survive the battle with two remaining figures. And as the Age of Hannibal rules state, it retains its Phalanx abilities even with one figure if a Hearthguard unit. |
The 3-player game on the other table. I think the warbands were all Picts. A pitched Pict battle. |
Picts in and out of the woods. |
A lot of Italiote missile troops decimating the Jomsviking Warriors. The remaining two-figure Phalanx Hearthguard unit staying out of harms way to retain their SAGA dice. |
Jomsviking Warriors vs. Italiote Warriors with javelins in light cover. The 2D terrain does make it easier to get figures onto it, I have to admit. |
End of Turn 4, and the game with several Jomsvikings unit destroyed or having reduced figures to lose their SAGA dice. Note the Tarantine Cavalry always staying out of harms way but able to close up to toss javelins. |
All in all, it was another great experience with the rules and looking forward to more of the same. I also went ahead and finished up the Late Roman Heavy Cavarly - less their shields.
They're based them as singles with flexible metal bottoms so they can be used in various game systems. Might try them out with Hail Caesar in the future, along with the rest of the warband. |
Didn't notice some of the horse body halves weren't lined up exactly until after painting them. Too late to do anything with them now, but will pay more attention on the Light Cavalry set - which will likely have the same horses. |
Until next time best wishes to you all and thanks for stopping by.
New army new game, good friends....doesn't get better
ReplyDeleteThanks for the kind words, Joe. My sentiments exactly. Warmest regards, Dean
DeleteLovely armies and great looking game!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Michal! Kindest regards, Dean
DeleteGreat to see you having fun with the new rules and figures Dean and the cavalry look very cool too!
ReplyDeleteThank you much, Keith! I may have more cav than foot for the Late Romans; however, this may be somewhat historical for the latter part of the period when they supposedly had mobile field armies. Anyway, I'll have enough cav to face my buddy's Huns. Warmest regards, Dean
DeleteFantastic figures, as always Dean! Those tables are great too. You seem to have a good active group up and running!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Mike! Yes; I'm actually one of the newer members of this SAGA crew. Some have been playing for over a year now. It's great that it is a regularly scheduled event - twice a month. Keeps me on track. I'm hoping to get a Late Roman warband ready for the next game day. Kindest regards, Dean
DeleteBrilliant figures Dean, and great looking game. It really is Saga full stream ahead.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Richard. I like how you can paint up figures you may normally not want to for different rules. As SAGA units are only in 4's, 8's, or 12's (max), it's nice not having to worry about mass amounts of figures. Warmest regards, Dean
DeleteGreat to see such a diverse mix of foes facing off against each other.
ReplyDeleteNot played SAGA in a year or two but do need to revisit it again.
Regards, Ross
Thanks, Ross! Until starting up again in May, I hadn't played SAGA since the first edition came out about 10 years ago! Luckily there's a good sized crew who regularly play SAGA which I've learned a great deal from already. Kindest regards, Dean