Friday, December 10, 2021

Hail Caesar Successor Battle - Antigonid vs. Pyrrhic

Had another great Hail Caesar game today pitting my Pyrrhic army against my buddy's Antigonid army. It was a close run with the Pyrrhic army losing one pike phalanx unit, an elephant and their Companion cavalry, as well as their only two bow units. The Antigonids lost one of their own elephants, two Thracian foot units, a Cretan bow unit and a unit of slingers.

The start of the battle - Pyrrhic forces on the left, Antigonids on the right.
Close-up of the Antigonid battle line. Three towered elephants, one unit of heavy cavalry with lances (xyston), three pike phalanx units, two Thracian foot units with javelins and two-hand weapons, two units each of Cretan archers and slingers (on Rhodian).
The Pyrrhic army. A unit of hypaspist elite medium infantry, a unit of medium cavalry Companion cavalry with lances (xyston), two towered elephants, three units of pike phalanx, two units of mercenary Hoplite phalanxes with long spears, two light cavalry units and two units of archers.
A unit of Antigonid slingers move into the village on their right flank.
The Antigonid right; Thracian foot move up to support Cretan archers.
Pyrrhic light cavalry charge into Antigonid slingers. The slingers able to cause a few casualties prior to being destroyed.
Meanwhile, in the center of the battlefield, Antigonid forces successfully move up towards the Pyrrhic center. The Pyrrhic army failed a few activations early in the game.
Pyrrhic archers in combat with a unit of Antigonid Thracians foot wielding rhomphaias. The archers having no saves were destroyed.
Antigonid scythed chariot charges into a Pyrrhic pike phalanx.
Pyrrhic light cavalry charge into Cretan archer. With the help of another light cavalry unit in support the archers were destroyed - even after inflicting a few casualties from closing fire.
Antigonid pike phalanx units and elephants charge into the Pyrrhic center.
A Pyrrhic phalanx unit attacked to their front by Antigonid pikes and also to their left flank by a unit of Thracians with rhomphaias.
A unit of Greek mercenary hoplites waiting on their turn to charge into the rear of the Thracians. A free move as they are in the 12" proximity rule. Otherwise, the battle rages on in the center between phalanxes and elephants.
The "brave" Antigonid heavy cavalry charge into a small unit of Pyrrhic archers. The archers were destroyed shortly thereafter.
Pyrrhic Companion cavalry counter-charge into the Antigonid heavy cavalry after destroying the archers and making a sweeping advance. For the record, Hail Caesar doesn't have a special rule for cavalry wedge formations. We may come up with some kind of house rule for them later.
The Pyrrhic Companions lost their fight against the Antigonids and broke off the table.
Center of the battle field. The Thracians were soon destroyed by the combined attacks from the two mercenary hoplite units. We called the game soon after this as it would've continued as a slug match between the surviving forces.

All in all, another great Hail Caesar game where we got more familiar with some of the special rules - like elephants and phalanxes. My buddy promised to paint the rest of his command figures - since they might be mistaken for Cleitus. Tomorrow is a holiday Dragon Rampant game which will be the last game of the year for me. Until next time, wishing you all a healthy and great holiday season!


  1. Fantastic games report Dean! Great display of painted figures/armies - The photos of the pike blocks look great. someone's pet dog on the couch looks a little less excited with the on-going brawling game :op

    The Antigonid heavy cavalry charging the archers, produced by which manufacture company? guessing Aventine Miniatures?

    All the best to you, family and your wargame buddies during holiday season too! Cheers!

    1. Lol. Thanks, Phil. Yes,that's my buddy's pooch. He was all excited when I arrived, but by turn 3,he was bored. The Antigonid cav are 1st Corps figures. Those used to be in my Seleucid army, but I gave them to my buddy a while back. Warmest regards, Dean

  2. Great looking Successors game Dean!

    1. Thanks a lot, Mike. First time using Hail Caesar for these. And it worked out nicely. Kindest regards, Dean

  3. Good to see another Battle, Dean! As far as I know "wenge" formation is a special formation, a variance for some cavalry and infantry units (i/e/ trained roman legionaries)< but its looks like you use this formation all the timefor your heavy cavalry? Or its just a design for your big cavalry base?

    1. Thanks, Vladimir. Yes, Hail Caesar only has wedge rules for Roman infantry. The basing is a carry over from the WAB days. In fact my buddy has his army based as singles as he uses it for WAB sometimes. Kindest regards, Dean

  4. Great looking report Dean and beautiful looking armies of course!

    1. Thank you very much again, Michal. Another really nice Hail Caesar game. Kindest regards, Dean

  5. that is such a beautiful table, a treat for me this morning with my coffee. thanks.

    1. Thanks, Norm. This was played at my buddy's place - he has a lot of these Cigar Box battle mats. It really looks nice. Warmest regards, Dean

  6. The bloody game turned out! It was great to watch, Dean

    1. Thank you very much, Alexey! Yes, we got it on the table and we not only had a good game, but learned to use a lot of the special rules for these armies. Kindest regards, Dean

  7. Such a pleasure to look at such gorgeous armies....nice report Dean!

    1. Thank you kindly, Phil. Interestingly our two armies had pike phalanxes from two makers - mine Victrix and my buddy's are Warlord games. The two look very similar in size and style and could be used in the same units. Warmest regards, Dean

  8. Lovely looking game Dean, what’s not to love pike men and elephants and chariots. The cavalry wedge formations is hard to represent both from an aesthetic position but also gaming, your formations look lovely but perhaps a little unwieldy. In terms of rules they just need that extra hitting power on the charge👍

    1. Thanks for the kind words, Matt. One thing that didn't work well for my side was the failed activations to move early in the game. If I had made my phalanxes "Drilled", they would've gotten a free single move each turn. Oh well, at least my opponent moved to me. :) Kindest regards, Dean

  9. Beautiful armies and battlefield, so much eye candy. Have a great and safe family holidays Dean!

    1. Thank you very much, Javier! Appreciate your kind thoughts. Merry Christmas to you and yours. Dean

  10. Superb looking game Dean. The mountain range in the second photo looks remarkably like a sofa?

    1. Thanks, Ray! Yes, and occupied by a giant guardian watch dog! :) Merry Christmas! Dean

  11. A beautiful looking game with outstanding figures in both armies - the elephants are particularly impressive! Have a great Christmas and New Year Dean - although this is you last game I expect we will se a few more posts from you before we reach 2022!

    1. Thanks, Keith. Actually played a Dragon Rampant game today. Warmest regards, Dean

  12. Great game, Dean! As always an impressive sight 8)

    1. Thanks for the kind words, Denis! Warmest regards, Dean

  13. That's an excellent looking game Dean!


    1. Thank you very much, Christopher. Kindest regards, Dean

  14. Great looking pike blocks, elephants and chariots!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks a lot for the compliment, Iain. Warmest regards, Dean

  15. Awe inspiring game! The pikes and elephants look fantastic!!

    1. Thank you very much for your kind words and visit, John. Warmest regards, Dean

  16. There’s something about a lot of long pointy sticks and elephants that will always be near and dear to my heart. When I was a kid I loved playing Avalon Hills Alexander. The troops look awesome on the table.


    1. Thanks, Kevin! Appreciate the compliments. Regards, Dean

  17. As expected Dean - a great looking game! Question tho - I note a lot of light skirmish units destroyed after contact with heavier units (particularly cavalry) - do the lights like Cretan slingers etc, have an evade capability? Can they 'shoot 'n scoot' or is it just 'shoot' OR 'scoot'? Those armoured elephants are awesome BTW...
    Aloha, Doc

    1. Thanks for the questions and nice words as always, Doc. We did use the "closing fire" as a reaction for the skirmishers with long range weapons (bows & slings) - I think we might've just forgotten the evade option in the heat of battle :) My buddy's elephants came in a Warlord games starter set - along with enough foot for 4 phalanxes. Quite a bargain. Mahalo and Aloha! Dean

  18. Nice game Dean !
    Awesome looking armies !

    1. Thank you very much, Mario! Kind regards, Dean

  19. Spectacular looking game Dean. Gorgeous figures all.
    Regards, James
