This site was created late in 2008, just a few years after first becoming involved in wargaming. As you can tell by the name, WAB was my introduction to this community. I appreciate the following and comments this blog receives, and give all thanks and credit to my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. It may seem odd that this blog appears to focus on the folly of mankind's continuous warfare, but I believe I can still enjoy this hobby so long as I put Him first in all I do. Maranatha!
Chhattisgarh Board of Secondary Education (CGBSE) HSSLC Syllabus Start for fresh Month of Jun Every Year, Chhattisgarh Board HSSLC Student and Parents Search in Internet in CG Class 12th Textbook 2021 Chapter Wise Complete books, CGBSE Publish CG Book 2021 for 12th Class Government Collages Free Distribution at Students Education Purpose. CGBSE 12th Books CGBSE Board Conducts the High School Leaving Certificate Exam Public Exam for the Students Studying under the Chhattisgarh Board, Chhattisgarh Board Higher Secondary School Leaving Certificate (HSSLC) Exam are held in the month of March and the Results of which are out by the end of May 2021.