Saturday, March 1, 2025

Warlord Games Landsknecht Pikemen Based

Finished basing them today using GW style 20mm squares so that they can match my other Empire figures. 

The new Warhammer Old World system has these type of troops on 25mm squares now, but I don't plan on using those rules, and I like the look of them on 20mm squares better.
The box is a pretty good set as you get 30 pikemen along with an officer in full plate armor as well as a drum and arms for a drummer. Haven't painted the officer yet, but it is a nice figure in the so-called Maximillian style armor
It's nice to have them based as singles so the can be formed up in different configurations.
Pictured below, they're protected on their front and flanks by GW Greatswords that I painted some years ago. The GW figures are a bit larger, but since they'll be in separate formations it'll be okay.
And finally a comparison shot with the Warlord figures flanking the earlier painted Perry pikemen. The figures and pikes are very similar in size.
I may get another box (or more) of these figures in the future. Until next time, thanks again for stopping by and hope you're all doing well.