Saturday, October 21, 2023

Mostly Galloping Major And A Few AW Miniatures Woodland Indians

Most of these are Galloping Major - only six are AW, which came with a French Infantry pack. Also, the majority are Hurons, and only six - the ones with only a single feather in their headdress are supposed to be Mohawks.

I used examples from Google for the face paint - so they must be historically accurate 😀. Vallejo Bronze Fleshtone was used as a base for the skin - then given a Minwax stain, followed by a light wash of Vallejo Skin Wash, and finally highlighted, again with Bronze Fleshtone with a little bit of Vallejo Elf Skintone.
These figures were quite fun to paint - although I usually prefer uniformed troops as those don't take much "imagination" to paint up. The details and sculpting of these figures are really good - and not overly complicated.
These figures may or may not be used for the Siege of Louisbourg scenario - as the few that were allied with the French left soon after arriving once the French they were with started coming down with Anthrax. Not sure if the British had any with them for this particular battle either. They're nice to have for French and Indian War anyway - I mean they are in the title.
Of course, I could dust off an old copy (first edition) of Muskets and Tomahawks too. Anwyay, glad to have these done as they are the last major "unit" of figures for this project. Thanks again for checking out the blog and hoping you all are doing well.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Michal! I'm happy with the way they turned out. Warmest regards, Dean

  2. Nice work again Dean …quite a force !

    1. Thanks a lot, Matt. They can be in a large warband, or in several small ones. Kindest regards, Dean

  3. It was good of you to ask how your readership are doing and wishing us well. Reading what other wargamers are doing like your blog gets my day off to a good start. Thanks for sharing your work. These look great and should give your games another element. Enjoy them.
    I know what you mean about painting uniformed and more randomly dressed individuals. I tend to swing back and forth on which I prefer painting.
    all the best to you and your readers,

    1. Thanks for your visit and kind words, Stephen. Your thoughts on going back and forth between uniformed and irregular troops echo mine. I recall another favorite project were Celts/ Britons in their various plaids. Warmest regards, Dean

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you very much, Willz. These will provide more scenario options. Kindest regards, Dean

  5. Great looking irregulars, I tend to swing between periods of uniforms and irregulars, kee8me happy!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks for the visit and kind words again, Iain. Yes, variety is the spice of life, even within our hobby. Warm regards, Dean

  6. Most beautiful and impressive Indians Dean, cracking job!

    1. Thank you very much, Phil! These were very nice to work on. Kindest regards, Dean

  7. Congratulations, a great addition! I really love the figures from Galloping Major, I like his modeling style. I have a lot of his figurines in my collection

    1. Thanks, Denis! Yes, I discovered Galloping Major late in the game, so to speak. I should be getting a few more of their figures - possibly Rangers and Coureur de bois. Kindest regards, Dean

    2. Great purchase, Dean. I have all these sets in my collection, unfortunately not all of them have been painted yet

    3. I would like a few Redoubt Indians too. Kind regards, Dean

  8. Great work on some really nice figures there, Dean - a few Woodland Indians are on my mental "to do" list .... I am thinking Redoubt, as they have some wonderful vignettes in their FIW range.....

    1. Thanks, Keith. Yes, I wish I had ordered some of the Redoubt Indians when I had placed a rather large order (for me anyway) awhile back. Only ordered French and British types. Kind regards, Dean

  9. Thanks a lot for the compliment, Richard. I'm really happy with the way they turned out, and wouldn't hesitate to pick up a few more later. Kindest regards, Dean
