Taking a break from the 1/8th Samurai figure, put together a sample 24-point Dragon Rampant Warband. These are models from a WHFB Empire army - other options for the warband are available, but I wanted something compact and also be able to use the Empire General on Gryphon, as well as the DemiGryph guys. Still need to play a game, but as the basic rules are based upon Lion Rampant, shouldn't be too hard.
Here's the Warband Leader - an Earl on a Flying Model which basically allows him to fly over stuff and units instead of being blocked by them.
Next up, a Reduced Model Unit of Heroes classed as Elite Riders. They have the Wild Charge and Counter-charge Special Rules. Although the author clearly states you can use any amount of models in any unit, he also suggests less models in certain units makes them look better - probably to convey the better stats or potency of the unit.
Here are six WHFB Empire Knights along with an Empire Captain to play the role of Lancers. These are Heavy Riders with the option to have missile weapons. They also have the Counter-charge Special Rule. Per the author, keeping unit figures in numbers comparable to their Strength Points - either 6 or 12 points - assists in tracking casualty counts.
Finally two units of Heavy Missiles equipped with handguns firing Weighty Projectiles. This option lowers unit costs from 4 points to 3 points. It also reduces range from 18" to 12". As targets over 12" incur a -1 to Shooting, it's somewhat of a trade off for their cheaper costs than Crossbowmen.
Not sure when I'll get a game in, but I plan to - as well as get more Lion Rampant games in. It's nice to use similar rules for somewhat different games - like Black Powder and Hail Caesar.