It's been quite long time away from blogging and anything hobby-related for me. As I mentioned a month or so ago, I was in the process of moving from our home which we had lived in for 14 years. We managed to sell our old home and acquire another one with the proceeds from the previous one. The new digs are a lot closer to work for me, and also to Puget Sound - we love being near the water. Today marks exactly one week being here. The first few days were filled with unboxing our stuff, hanging blinds and all the assorted details of setting up a new home. I did manage to set up my toys in between these mandatory duties. The living room is larger than our old place so I was allowed to have one wall section for my stuff.
Amazingly not a single figure was damaged during the move. Granted it was only a local move, and I ended up putting most of the figures in plastic bins which I transported in my car. I used shredded paper from work to fill up the drawers of figures. It did a great job protecting the figures, but a bit messy removing it afterwards. Here's the balance of the figures safely stored in the bins.
Still not sure when I will be able to set up a painting area as my wife doesn't want me spilling paint and stuff on the floors. Anyway, it's great not having to live out of a duffle bag as we did for the last month. Oh, and I'm hosting an inaugural gaming session here next month - a play test for my Black Powder game which I'm scheduled to host in May at Enfilade! Until the next post, best wishes to all and I'll be stopping by your blogs again too!