Saturday, May 9, 2009

Battle of Formigny - Play-Test Update

Here we are - only two weeks from Enfilade. Today, we had the third play-test for the Battle of Formigny. Bruce D. has graciously volunteered to assist in GMing this game at Enfilade. I'm really fortunate in this, as I'm still quite the novice WAB player & GMing at a convention is a big leap (probably a leap too far for me solo at this point in time). Anyway, we stopped at the middle of turn 4 - and both Bruce & Adrian thought the game can definitely be played out well. In fact, all three play-test games have gone differently. I played my French the first game; Adrian & I switch armies for the second; and Bruce D. played the French today. I'm pretty happy with the scenario. We hope to replace the larger river with a stream (hopefully Dan P. will let us use it - I'm sure he will since we're using his board too! :} )
Here's a pic of the basic layout of the units for the start of the game. Actually, some of the English forces aren't exactly in place, as we had just finished the game & were in the process of re-staging them again - hopefully for one more play-test game; for me to hone my GMing skills more than anything else.
The English have their backs to the stream.


  1. Dean, looks great. How were you able to work out the play balance issues?

  2. We've had three different games with three different results and only minor adjustments in positioning and arrival of flanking units. It a fairly balanced scenario until the flanking cavalry appears... which of course tips the balance towards the French...

  3. Kevin:
    As Adrian noted - seems to be a fairly decent scenario. It may be even more interesting if there are 2-players per side. We'll see in a couple of weeks! v/r, Dean
