Monday, December 18, 2023

Old Glory Meiji IJA Creusot Gun And Crews

Here are a few more Old Glory Meiji figures for the RJA project. These were given to me as a Christmas gift from my buddy who had sold me the Russian figures a while ago. He also included a few infantry figures too - and those will be painted up along with the two bags of Old Glory figures that should be arriving today in the mail.

The crews are painted up as Imprial Guard troops - with their red uniform distinctions, along with the yellow shoulder straps for artillery troops. The two figures on separate bases will be used to beef up the Tsuba Hotchkiss machine gun teams. The Tsuba kits come with 3 figures, and both The Men Who Would Be Kings and Rebels and Patriots usually have 4 figures to support crewed weapons.
I tried to match the color of the earlier Creusot guns painted over 10 years ago - Used a mixture of blue, black, and white, and the result looks pretty close.
The Meiji IJA now have 4 Creusot guns - 2 each Imperial Guard and Line; as well as a pair of Gatling guns. Although Gatlin guns weren't used in the RJW, they were used against Captain Nathan Algren in Dances With Samurai -
The Old Glory figures size up pretty nicely with the Tsuba figures. Not sure how the standing figures look as I only have these seated/kneeling Tsuba figures. Actually, the Old Glory figures look a little chunckier.

Plan to start on the additional Old Glory IJA infantry as soon as they arrive, but also plan to be at the monthly Saga game day this week. I haven't done Saga in so long, it'll be like learning the rules again. Thanks again for stopping by, and wishing you all a Merry Christmas! Yes, it's almost that time of year again!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you very much, Mike! Merry Christmas! Dean

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you very much again, Michal! Appreciate the visits and kind words as alway. Merry Christmas! Dean

  3. Lovely work Dean an interesting period 👍

    1. Thanks, Matt! Yes, I've always been drawn to this period - probably a lot to do with my heritage. My maternal grandparents came to Hawaii in the early 20th C. - and were born and grew up in Meiji era Japan. Merry Christmas! Dean

  4. Nicely done and very rarely seen. I imagine good for Boxer era as well.

    1. Thanks a lot, Joe! Yes, Boxer Rebellion and also the First Sino-Japanese War too. Merry Christmas! Dean

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks a lot for the kind words as always, Ray! Merry Christmas! Dean

  6. Excellent looking additions to your Japanese force!
    Best Iain

  7. Great work on these Dean - you paint so quickly I sometimes find it hard to keep up and comment on every post!
