Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Brigade Games F&IW French Marines, Militia, And British Rangers

Painted the remaining figures from the Brigade Games order a while back. Just a few F&IW figures - 6 each of French Marines and Militia, and British/American Rangers. Although these are very nice sculpts, similar in size and style of Perrys, they don't match the majority of the rest of my F&IW figures. Specifically the Foundry, Redoubt, and Front Rank figures already in the range are much larger and more robust - particularly suited for skirmish gaming and handling individual figures. I'll see if my buddy who bought the other Brigade Games figures may be interested in them.

Painted in my usual method of block painted, followed by Minwax staining, and finally a few highlights.
Here's a comparison shot of the size/style differences - left to right: Brigade Games, Front Rank, Brigade Games, Redoubt, Brigade Games, Front Rank. They probably would be fine in separate units on the table in a pinch.
I actually got back the F&IW figures I had sold to a buddy several years ago - he saw my post about the Brigade Games figures I painted and offered to sell the figures back as he saw I was back into the period. I ended up trading the AWI figures I had painted a couple of years ago since he has a keen interest in the period. I finally added red overstripes to the kilts of these Redoubt Highland Grenadiers.
The Warlord Games Highlanders match up pretty well with the Redoubt and the rest of the larger figures.
In addition to a Redoubt order of F&IW figures, I'm also waiting on an ebay order of AW French Infantry. Supposedly these are also on the larger side of 28mm. Thanks again for stopping by and wishing you all the best.


  1. They've turned out nice!
    I always find it's the heft and bulkiness (or absence of same) that determines whether figures match; I have nominal 30mm RSM that match 25mm.

    1. Thanks for the kind words, Neil. Yes, agree with your assessment of matching figures. Front Rank figures aren't much taller than the Brigade Games, if at all, but their bulk, particularly the larger faces and hands, gives an overall larger appearance. Warmest regards, Dean

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you very much, Michal Michal. Kindest regards, Dean

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks a lot, Christopher. Resisting this project after a long break from it. Warmest regards, Dean

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you very much, Richard. Kindest regards, Dean

  5. Lovely work on these chaps, to be honest I wouldn't be bothered by the variation in size but if it's that big a deal they have to go, a pity as they're really nice!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks a lot for the kind words, Iain. I just sold the figures to a good gaming buddy. We're both building armies for F&IW. Warmest regards, Dean

  6. One of my favorite periods. Which rules are you using? I'm using Rebels and Patriots for my F&I War adventures.

    1. Thanks a lot for the kind words, Neil. I'm also going to use Rebels and Patriots. I also have the first edition of Muskets and Tomahawks too. Warmest regards, Dean

  7. Lovely work on these as always Dean. Many years (20?) ago, Julian and I played a whole FIW campaign using the Habitants and Highlanders system and rules by the Canadian Wargames Group - great fun - the Brits won almost every battle but were thwarted in the final battle on the Heights of Abraham!

    1. Thanks, Keith. That sounds like quite a fun campaign you guys played. I plan on doing something around the Louisbourg siege. Kindest regards, Dean
