Monday, January 10, 2022

Warlord Games ECW Pike & Shotte Update

Finished up 6 regiments of pike and shot. Three regiments were from unpainted sets and the other three were repainted - mainly the clothing as I left the other areas like the leather equipment and muskets alone. From left to right, first rank: Newcastle's Whitecoats, Earl of Northampton's regiment in green; second rank: John Hutchinson's regiment in blue coats, Earl of Essex's regiment in orange/tawny coats; third rank: Sir Gilbert Talbot's regiment in yellow coats, Sir Ralph Hopton's regiment in blue coats.

Although I only think Newcastle's regiment fought at Marston Moor, they'll all be used in the game. I just like the variety of coat/jacket colors and the regimental flags as well.
The pike units are on movement trays for ease of play, as pikes can be a bear to handle otherwise.
There are 4 more units to repaint from the ones that were already painted by my buddy. Aldo 2 more new units, one being another Scots Covenanters regiment. I plan to paint up at least one as Lord Brookes' regiment of foot in purple. Again, not so much as their presence on any particular battlefield, but for the color of their coats and available flags. I also got some nice packages in the mailbox today too - an Osprey Marston Moor Campaign book and a small order from Perry - to flesh out another regiment. The Perry order only took 10 days to arrive - mailed out on 30 December.
Thanks again for swinging by the old blog and wishing you all a great start on the new year!


  1. Great regiments Dean! I'm always amazed at how quickly you paint.

    1. Thank you so much, Mike! These are purely rank and file troops - I only add a little highlights to the commands. Warmest regards, Dean

  2. As anticipated Dean, you have churned out six lovely looking units in the time it takes most of us to paint half a dozen figures! I really hope you get to play Marston Moor, I would love to see how it goes and how you scale down the forces, as my recollection is it was quite a large battle by the standards of the ECW - 7000 horse and 17000 foot on the Scots/Parliamentarian side and 6000 horse and 11000 foot on the Royalist side (just checked Wikipedia :) )

    1. Thanks again for the high compliments, Keith! Hmmm, going by those numbers =, I suppose it could be 1:50 - at least for foot right now. I should have 9 Allied and 7 Royalist foot regiments (40 figs each). Not sure on the horse yet, as I could break the units of cav into either 12 or 8 figs (12 looks better, of course). We'll see as I get closer. Warmest regards, Dean

  3. Superb and impressive pike units Dean, well done!

    1. Thanks, Phil! Getting there with these. Warmest regards, Dean

  4. Quite impressive. Quite nicely done. I can say it would take me a year to do such a project, and even then be stretched to keep the quality you have created. Looking forward to seeing your next six.

    1. Thank you very much, Joe! These figures are great for production line painting. Nice sculpting and details - and the period clothing is quite simple for the rank and file; big cuffs, minimal buttons, etc. Warmest regards, Dean

  5. Great army, hope to see a battle report on this period!

    1. Thanks, Vladimir! Yes, the goal is the wargame. Warmest regards, Dean

  6. What a fantastic units Dean!
    Beautiful work!

    1. Thanks again, Michal. Appreciate the kind words as always. Best regards, Dean

  7. Awesome work Dean & great paint-job as well !

    1. Thank you so much as always, Mario! Kindest regards, Dean

  8. In awe of how productive you've been with these - they turned out really well. Can I ask about your movement trays? What are you using?

    1. Thanks, Markus! I used .060" plasticard I bought from Litko, for the tray. Cut to 90mm square to fit the four 40mm square bases with allowances to add the edges made out of plastic sprues (same ones from the Warlord kits). I used plastic cement for the sprues. I then sprayed it all with a brown primer and then added flock (sand and static grass). Pretty simple process. Warmest regards, Dean

    2. Cheers, Dean! I've been finding that pushing the 40x40 bases I've got my guys on is getting annoying - might make up some trays for them.

    3. The trays definitely help with moving pike/spear formations. I also made some for Napoleonic infantry, mainly for initial movements of troops.

  9. Quantity and quality! They look great Dean

    1. Thanks, Nick! Yes, I was just adding up the numbers in my head and think I should have more than enough foot for my usual 8x6' playing area - might be a little tight with the addition of cavalry and cannon too. Kindest regards, Dean

  10. Splendid looking force Dean they have come on really quickly. Looking forward to your Marston battle πŸ‘

    1. Thanks a lot, Matt. Marston Moor sounds like it could've gone either way, so playing it out should be interesting. Kindest regards, Dean

  11. Very impressive brushwork Dean! Looking forward to more!

  12. Wow! Utterly spectacular! Five star work Dean!

    1. Ah, thank you so much for your very kind compliment, Mike! These were painted in a production line, and look okay in close ranks. I did give the command in the front rank a little bit of highlighting. Warmest regards, Dean

  13. This is sick. How can you paint so much in no time? They look great from tabletop distance. Cogratulations!

    1. Thanks a lot for the kind words, Javier. Warm regards, Dean

  14. Replies
    1. Thanks, Alexey! Yes, going through the remaining foot regiments - then on to the cavalry! :) Warmest regards, Dean
